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by fannyfurkin ( edited 24 Dec 2016 ) 24 Dec 2016

Just popped in to say Merry Christmas to everybody. I have not been here for some time. I have been very busy as I am now back at work for two days a week and seem to be flat out the rest of the time. I have had a crazy year. My younger brother died in March. Which was not really unexpected but he was only 47 years old. In April I started cycling with a passion and in June I crashed my bike and tore my ACL in my right leg. I had to have surgery to fix this. I was barely off the crutches when I discovered I had kidney cancer. I had to have the right kidney removed. I think I am finally getting back on my feet and I am really hoping 2017 will be a better year. I hope you all have a fabulous 2017 as well.


by sdrise 28 Dec 2016

Nice to see you and happy new year to you... Sympathies on the loss of your brother . You have had a tough year it can only get better... Wishing you the best!

by vickiannette 27 Dec 2016

hi Alice, sounds like 2017 can't get here quick enough. Good Luck. Vicki from South Aussie.

by airyfairy 27 Dec 2016

Alice, how wonderful to see you on Cute. I am so sorry you have had such a nasty year. I really hope that 2017 will be a great one for you.
Hugs Sarah

by missqueenbee47 27 Dec 2016

Hope this coming new year will be better for you. My sympathy on the loss of your brother and your other problems - I wish you well for the new year!! - Patricia

by jrob Moderator 27 Dec 2016

I'm so sorry for all of your troubles and losses. What a year! I hope 2017 is kinder to you.

by katydid 26 Dec 2016

Merry Christmas.

by dilceia 26 Dec 2016

And a Merry Christmas to you too, MY DEAR!

by noah 25 Dec 2016

nice to see you post again Happy new year and God be with you in 2017 hugs Carolyn

by gerryvb 25 Dec 2016

hope 2017 will be a wonderful year for, and a much better year than 2016. Merry Christmas to you :)

by marianb 25 Dec 2016

Nice to have back, sorry 2016 hasn't been the best year for you. Here's hoping 2017 will bring you joy and good fortune. Marian

by pennifold 25 Dec 2016

So sorry Alice about all of your problems. I'm sorry about your brother too and hopefully 2017 will be a much better year for you all round. Love Chris

by greysewist Moderator 25 Dec 2016

Ohmygoodness, Alice, you'd be well pleased to see the back of 2016! Things surely have to look up for you in 2017!

by graceandham 24 Dec 2016

Merry Christmas, Alice. Maybe you are "through" for awhile. So sorry for the loss of your dear one. When I had my Horrible Year (like the Queen), I learned to pray, Lord, I know you won't give me more than I can handle, but could you maybe just ease back a little right now, I'm pushing my limit. Blessings on you.

by lbrow 24 Dec 2016

Merry Christmas and may the new year be a blessed one for us all/Lillian

by dragonflyer 24 Dec 2016

Merry Christmas, Alice...hope 2017 brings you good health, happiness and prosperity...