by jrob Moderator 15 Nov 2016

We are still in the midst of a terrible fire outbreak. Some of which is suspected to be arson related. You can see the coverage in the photo. That covers over 200 miles in any direction. Our children aren't allowed to play outside due to the severity. Please join us here in the Southeast United States as we plead for rain. We are 20" below normal for rainfall currently. Also remember in your prayers the brave fire personnel who are working tirelessly to control these fires.

The report from the National weather JUST from my area is: Rough Ridge Fire Update: November 15, 2016, 10 a.m.
FAST FACTS: The Rough Ridge Fire is 21,533 acres and 20% contained. 203 personnel are assigned to the fire. Resources include 3 crews, 2 helicopters, 8 engines and 2 dozers.
Location: Cohutta Wilderness Area on the Chattahoochee National Forest


by airyfairy 16 Nov 2016

Know what you are going through. Bush fires are also a danger for us living in S. Africa, especially when we so badly need rain. Stay safe

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jrob by jrob 17 Nov 2016

I'm sorry that you do. I didn't really understand what it was like until this. I've read about all the fires that are endured over the world, but you don't truly get a clear picture (or a smoky one either) until you are sitting in the midst.

by joansatx 16 Nov 2016

I'm so sorry that you all have to go through this! Praying for safety and good health and to be find some calm in this fire storm.

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jrob by jrob 17 Nov 2016

Thank you so much for your prayers. God hears them.

by meganne 16 Nov 2016

We can sure relate to your fears and worry Jerrilyn.
Bushfires are far too commonplace here and just last week I had to phone my brother to see if he was safe as fires raged all around his home.
We always worry when we see the bushfires flaring up in the States as we know only too well how difficult they are to contain. Stay safe dear friend, our prayers are with you all.

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jrob by jrob 16 Nov 2016

Thank you. I've gotten a new appreciation for what you all go through. Some nights being afraid to sleep. Thanks for the prayers.

by gerryb 15 Nov 2016

Knoxville area is bad too. I thought there were new fires yesterday, but it was just all the smoke that settled in the valley! Hubby wearing a mask when he goes outside to work in the yard! Our beautiful mts. are burning. I heard on the news they had arrested 2 people here in TN for arson. Praying for all the south that's having fire issues!!

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jrob by jrob 16 Nov 2016

I'm glad he's being careful. I'm keeping my grandchildren inside. My little 6 yr old boy is about to lose his mind. I'm having to be very creative.
I'd heard on the news about the arrests. I can't even think why anyone would want to do something like that.

by katydid 15 Nov 2016

Yes, we have smoke here also. I have not been in the yard for days except to walk to the mail box and back. I may loose my lilac bush and oak leaf hydrangea bush due to the drought. I remember last week people were posting of loosing well established plants. Kay

jrob by jrob 15 Nov 2016

I've been saving bath water to water my indoor plants. The ones outside will have to wait. :(
I hope your plants are sturdy. I just heard that we are not expected to get any significant rain until the end of December.

katydid by katydid 16 Nov 2016

Just got my water bill and I topped out , but I don't know how people who have sprinkler systems afford this. My bill was triple for watering. I hate to see my beloved plants die.

by crafter2243 Moderator 15 Nov 2016

Praying. Hopefully it will rain soon. Please stay save.

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jrob by jrob 15 Nov 2016

Thank you. We are trying. I'm worried about a lot of people I know with breathing issues anyway.

by asterixsew Moderator 15 Nov 2016

Positive thoughts coming your way and those dealing with the fire must be very tired so they need extra positive thoughts. Hope you stay safe

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jrob by jrob 15 Nov 2016

Thank you. We are working on it.

by cfidl 15 Nov 2016

My prayers go out to all those affected by fire and earthquake.

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jrob by jrob 15 Nov 2016

Thank you so much.

by dragonflyer 15 Nov 2016 in California, we don't even have a "fire season" like we use to...they consider fire season all year long now...we have been in a severe drought in So. California for over six years now...and with the high winds we get...fires are truly uncontrollable and wild!

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jrob by jrob 15 Nov 2016

I guess I never realized how scary and serious fires of this magnitude truly are.

by gerryvb 15 Nov 2016

prayers for you all, hope the rain will fall very soon, stay safe , hugs

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jrob by jrob 15 Nov 2016

Thank you so much. Hugs gladly accepted.

by lbrow 15 Nov 2016

Right with you dear. No fires in this area but beginning to see the smoke coming from a couple of areas, Ga and Tenn & South Alabama. Been praying for rain now for sometime.

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jrob by jrob 15 Nov 2016

I hope the heavy smoke misses your area I have faith our prayers will soon be answered.

by pennifold 15 Nov 2016

Oh! my Jerrilyn, I feel for you. Here in Australia we have dreadful bushfires and when we see America having them we know exactly what you are going through. Prayers for rain are being sent and also for all the personnel who fight them. Love Chris

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jrob by jrob 15 Nov 2016

Thank you Chris. This is my first time to be near and so affected by them. I've gained a new sympathy for those who must deal with this frequently.

by rescuer Moderator 15 Nov 2016

Hugs and be safe!

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jrob by jrob 15 Nov 2016

Thanks, we are doing everything those in charge are asking of us.

by 02kar Moderator 15 Nov 2016

My heart and prayers go out to you and all involved. These fires have been burning awhile and so many are endangered by them. Arson is such a serious matter. Please be safe, use masks, whatever it takes to protect yourselves. Keep us informed. I think prayers are going to be needed for a while.

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jrob by jrob 15 Nov 2016

I think you are right. The Rough Ridge fires have been burning for weeks now. The 300+ acre within 5 miles of my home is now out, but it was put out a week ago, too. This is one believed to be started by an arsonist.

by zoefzoef 15 Nov 2016

Prayers send ! I hope everything will be soon under control.

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jrob by jrob 15 Nov 2016

Thanks, Linda.

by eleen 15 Nov 2016

Seems the world is upside down at the moment - our weather pattern is also havoc at the moment with floods, thunderstorms and wind in certain areas but drought over the dams that supply household water. Our electricity seems to be a problem with the weather and we are facing outages sometimes even a day or two at a time. At least we do not have fire warning in the area where we live. That must be terribly fearful. My opinion is that what you are asking for is exactly the solution to all these problems - prayers. Will keep you in mine too. Stay safe.

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jrob by jrob 15 Nov 2016

Best place to be (in your prayers). Thanks for adding yours.

by maleah 15 Nov 2016

Oh my goodness. I haven't been watching the news lately. I live in East Tennessee. Prayers be with you and your family. God Bless....

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jrob by jrob 15 Nov 2016

I'm sure you are in or will be in the smoke area. Thanks for your prayers.

by noah 15 Nov 2016

wowwwwwwww will join you in your prayer request for rain***Lord God please send down your rain!!!Amen

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jrob by jrob 15 Nov 2016

Thanks, Carolyn.