by parkermom 12 Nov 2016

Have you ever just jumped in to do a project that looking back on you would never ever do again? I was reminded of a "could have been a disaster" idea that actually worked well but could have gone so wrong. I am a teacher, and I taught two classes of gifted students as well as four other classes of algebra and geometry. Well, my gifted classes wanted to do a project, and so we used spare minutes in class to cut (with a rotary cutter!) strips of fabric, and sewed together a quilt. Then we raffled it off and used the money to buy item for foster children in our county. It went beautifully, but since then I have cut my finger twice with a rotary cutter so severely that I needed stitches. Now I look back and think how in the world did I let those teenagers use a rotary cutter. I guess God smiles on the silly!


by lbrow 14 Nov 2016

and that He does. Thank goodness

getEdited - SELECT
by graceandham edited 12 Nov 2016

Yes, many foolish projects. My first dinner party (for 6) as a new bride of 21, I realized 10 minutes before sitting that I had never before prepared ANY of the recipes of the dinner and that they were all a bit touchy and could all fail and I had no fall-back plan! I kind of go after sewing projects with some of the same misplaced vigor. Also, as a first year teacher (at age 22)I gave my students an approved reading list that it turned out included several highly controversial "black literature" books that it turned out had some vulgar language. Many of my black students were passing the same three or four books amongst themselves and eagerly reading them for book reports. Luckily, no one official from my school district discovered my little goof. Taught me not to put a book on the list I had not personally read cover to cover.

by noah 12 Nov 2016

Yes he sure does:):)lol

by asterixsew Moderator 12 Nov 2016

Yes probably but at the moment I cant think but will try to and see what happens. Congratulations on what you got your group to do