by colonies1 02 Jul 2008

Letvia, amazing is on the last letter it is Z today what do you want us to vote for tomorrow?


by letvia 03 Jul 2008

I am sorry Girls, I came late to see this. I wasn't able to log in yesterday. Sorry again. I will post the request for today and will add all yours to my list. Flower and XoXo

by cordura5 03 Jul 2008

I missed a bunch of the lower case letters, especially at the beginning. So I will go with whatever someone agrees on. I wish we could vote for the uppercase latters, but alas, no.

by colonies1 03 Jul 2008

What does Letvia say to vote for? If we get together we end up with what we want..........taking turns. *4All

by adelmarie 03 Jul 2008

If there is no requests I will like to vote for the f again. It looks like i saved the color chart and a picture but never downloaded the design :( Please vote for it.

by celticlady1031 02 Jul 2008

Since those were the lower case letters how about we vote for the capital letters.

1 comment
mops by mops 03 Jul 2008

If we can vote for them, fine. Otherwise I'd like a lower case b, it's the only one I missed.

by colonies1 02 Jul 2008

no answer yet............I can't find one.