getEdited - SELECT
by smokeythecat ( edited 29 Sep 2016 ) 29 Sep 2016

My machine is running a lot quieter now so thats all good, but it periodically loops on the underside of the fabric. It doesnt really affect the design, but obviously its still not a good thing, especially with fsl because it shows. I havent had time to go look around the bobbin case yet. Seriously? Am i even going to be able to finish that tree skirt by this christmas? So tired of things going wrong

Edit: it does do it on top, just not as often. And as i typed that last bit the top thread just broke! Yay. When the color gets done or the thread breaks again, im replacing the needle, but the needle isnt that old. Whatever, guess it just hates me right now


by pennyhal2 06 Oct 2016

Sounds like the timing might be off. It is not uncommon for me to have little loops on top and bottom when I'm doing fsl. I just cut them off. If I think it needs on something that's going to be washed a lot...I put a tiny dab of Fray Check on the backside of where I cut it off.

by smokeythecat 29 Sep 2016

Changed the needle, it did it again, and there's not any pieces of stuff stuck in the bobbin case, so I packed the thing back up and I'm gonna go to a shop here to get it looked at in the next few days. And specifically tell them to file/polish where that scratch was even if they think nothing's wrong. I printed out the picture I took of it when it happened and pointed an arrow to the scratch, and I circled the spots where the thread broke on my last attempted snowflake, and I'm gonna show them the other two too to show how much it's deciding to make loops. (the english language really is something isn't it...) I don't know how much they'll charge or if they honor the warranty because I don't know if it was the manufacturer one or from the dealer back in Idaho, but they did have a 10% off coupon on their website. At least the last service was free so I only ended up wasting a week of sewing time. I'm just so done with all of this...

cfidl by cfidl 30 Sep 2016

I can empathize with you.

parkermom by parkermom 04 Oct 2016

I feel for you. The frustration that occurs when things are off is so stressful. Hope you get it worked out soon.

by asterixsew Moderator 29 Sep 2016

Can one ask how your cat is?

smokeythecat by smokeythecat 29 Sep 2016

A lot better with the meowing, and the last couple nights hes come to snuggle up next to me like he used to before we moved =^..^=

asterixsew by asterixsew 29 Sep 2016

Brilliant news