by parkermom 27 Jul 2016

A Make a Wish update--our "wish kid" and his family are getting ready for their trip. He was overjoyed and kept saying "I like it, I love it!" He is six years old and one of the happiest little boys I've ever met. In the picture below, here he is with my daughter. You can see from her expression how rewarding it is to see these children get their wish. He is wearing sunglasses because he thought he looked more grown up with them. He was so adorable!


by dragonflyer 28 Jul 2016

What a wonderful organization this is and so great that you and your daughter contribute your time and energy!

1 comment
parkermom by parkermom 29 Jul 2016

Thank you--we don't do as much work as it sounds like--mostly we just plan the party where the child finds out that their wish has been granted. The Make a Wish Foundation does all the work of planning the actual wish, down to the smallest detail.

by gerryvb 28 Jul 2016

Great job you do both, to make these kids so happy. Wonderful !

1 comment
parkermom by parkermom 29 Jul 2016

We receive much more than we give, that's for sure. I've met some wonderfully brave children and their families.

by dollygk 28 Jul 2016

A big THANK YOU for the work you are both doing!!! God Bless the care givers!!! Hugs, Dolly

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parkermom by parkermom 29 Jul 2016

Without fail, each child and their families that we've met have all been wonderful and brave and so gracious.

by graceandham 27 Jul 2016

There was another wish kid in the news this week. Wow! His wish was to ride the garbage truck for a day! (So much cheaper than Disney.) He looked very happy in the truck.

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parkermom by parkermom 27 Jul 2016

It is hard for some kids to even know what their "one true wish" is, but then others know exactly what they want. We haven't done a whole lot of reveal parties, but every one has been so rewarding, and the children and their families have all been so wonderful. Makes my heart full.

by toogie 27 Jul 2016

I am so glad he has his wish! I wonder where he wished to go (Disneyland/world)?
Make a Wish is a wonderful foundation. They granted two of our family members (a brother and sister) their wishes. Our great-niece wanted a trip to Hawaii for the family and her brother, who is older, wanted his truck equipped so he could drive and load and unload his wheelchair. They both have Fredrick's Ataxia. (may be misspelled)
Best wishes to this little fellow and for your daughter, and others like her, involved in granting their wishes.-Toogie

1 comment
parkermom by parkermom 27 Jul 2016

He wished to go to Disney World in Florida. This little guy has a bone marrow disease. He has such a joyful outlook, and you just can't help but smile around him.

by 02kar Moderator 27 Jul 2016

How could you not want to make his wish come true! He's a cool dude with those sunglasses. Kudos to you for supporting this incredible program.

by lbrow 27 Jul 2016

Ahhh warms the cockles of my heart. Thanks so much for sharing this joyful occasion with us\Lillian

by gdsteliga 27 Jul 2016

My cousin's son was a wish kid. It is so rewarding. God bless all of you.


by crafter2243 Moderator 27 Jul 2016

It is such a wonderful program. Love the sunglasses and the big smiles by both

by cfidl 27 Jul 2016

That is wonderful! It totally warms the heart. Best wishes for more granting of wishes!

by jeanfoz 27 Jul 2016

Ah bless, xx