by devon 07 Jul 2016

Hi everyone, it’s me again. I am still alive. My husband is having his surgery tomorrow, wanted to know if everyone could keep him in your prayers. This has been a really hard week with pain for him. Thanks everyone. Hugs everyone!!!!

P.S. Yes I have kept off the 76 pounds.

Love Devon


by missqueenbee47 04 Sep 2016

Think of you often - enjoy your emails. Hope Husband is doing well. Please continue to pray for mine. - Love you friend.

by meganne 11 Jul 2016

Keeping you and hubby in my prayers, only sorry I didn't see this sooner.
hugs n blessings, meganne

by Leaha 10 Jul 2016

Prayers in Thanksgiving that the surgery went well and prayers in hopes of a full and wonderful recovery. Congrats on the weight loss, I think I found all you shed. RATS lol

by hightechgrammy 10 Jul 2016

I just saw this too, Devon, and glad everything went well. Congrats on keeping the 76 off. That's as much as a 12 year old kid! How did you do it? Hugs, Jan

by katydid 10 Jul 2016

I just saw this. So glad everything went well. Keep us informed. Kay

by devon 10 Jul 2016

Update, thanks everyone. He is at home now in pain but okay. Time will tell if everything went okay. Thanks again!!

by gerryvb 08 Jul 2016

hope and pray surgery goes fine. You look a lovely couple on te picture. My prayers and thoughts for the both of you. Hugs ))) Gerry

by airyfairy 08 Jul 2016

Thinking of you both. Big hugs

by lbrow 08 Jul 2016

Am praying for you both. /Lillian

by toogie 07 Jul 2016

You two are just a cute couple! Best wishes for a complete recovery after a successful surgery, for Dewey. I am so proud of you girl, for not only losing that amount of weight but keeping it off! Sometimes, that's harder than working it off, in the first place.You go Girl!

by cfidl 07 Jul 2016

Good to see you and of course I will. Best wishes and hope he gets well soon!

by jrob Moderator 07 Jul 2016

I have just prayed for your darling husband and for you to have peace and comfort.

1 comment
jrob by jrob 11 Jul 2016

Praying for you both.

by graceandham 07 Jul 2016

Ya'll look great. Praying with you.

by noah 07 Jul 2016

Yes will pray :):)hugs

by sebsews 07 Jul 2016

Great looking couple! Keeping you both in my prayers. Suzanna

by heleninca 07 Jul 2016

Good for you – taking care of yourself as your DH will need your support during these trying times My prayers always for those who are going through surgery. God speed.

by pacmp 07 Jul 2016

Prayers and well wishes for both the two of you and the medical staff that will be over his care and recovery. Be sure to continue to take care of yourself so you can be there to help and support your husband. Awesome job keeping the pounds off, especially during the stressful times! Pam

by pennifold 07 Jul 2016

Thank you DeVon for the privilege of praying for Dewey. I sure hope his health gets better, he has been in so much discomfort now for a couple of years. Congratulations to you too for losing 36kgs - that is an amazing effort!! Love Chris

by 02kar Moderator 07 Jul 2016

You are both in my prayers for a successful surgery, good pain control and a rapid and full recovery. High five for you to keep the weight off. I know it isn't easy.

by sewdeb 07 Jul 2016

I'm continuing to pray for him. And bravo to you, Devon, for keeping the
pounds off! Hugs, Deb*

by crafter2243 Moderator 07 Jul 2016

I will keep him and you in prayers.