by susanhinson 17 Jun 2016

Im having trouble with my membership, can someone please tell me how it works


by sandralane 17 Jun 2016

Welcome to the cute family, you shall find lots of inspirational things to do. There are some very friendly, helpful and informative cuties here, always someone around to help with questions and advice. Take time to read as much as you can to negotiate around this wonderful site. Sandra.

by graceandham 17 Jun 2016

Welcome to Cute. You are now officially a Cutie! We come here to play and learn and get beautiful designs.

by crafter2243 Moderator 17 Jun 2016

You already have your answer. Let me welcome you to Cute. Hope you will enjoy it here.

by jrob Moderator 17 Jun 2016

Welcome to Cute Embroidery!
Susan, go to the Q&A section and read the posts as you have time. They are very informative about negotiating things here at Cute Embroidery. I'm leaving you a link to the post in the Q&A section answering your question, but be sure and read the rest as you find the time.

jrob by jrob 17 Jun 2016

and here:

sandyqueen by sandyqueen 17 Jun 2016

Try this link.

This tells you how to download after you click on a design. Only Cut Embroidery and Amazing Embroidery have membership. (two separate memberships).