by columbus 21 Nov 2015

Dear cuties, thank you for all your caring words of commiseration: my dear doggy is gone now and I am really very sad, my home is lonely and empty. First time after 23 year always having had one or two newfoundlands.


by cfidl 22 Nov 2015

Beautiful dogs. I remember one from my youth and they really are wonderful companions. So sorry for your loss.

by sdrise 22 Nov 2015

So sorry!! They are beautiful dogs. In time perhaps you will get another to love.

by katydid 21 Nov 2015

Sad for you. Kay

by greysewist Moderator 21 Nov 2015

They are gorgeous dogs. Yesterday while walking my two greyhounds around a local lake the Newfoundland Water Rescue group were starting their regular session. They are fantastic to watch! My sincere sympathies to you :(

by chenille 21 Nov 2015

I truly feel your pain. What a lovely picture of you and your babies!
Today I was walking with a friend and saw a puppy that reminded me of our lost girl. I have had teary moments all evening. We may never have another as my husband has severe allergies....that seems to make it worse.
Hugs for you, Nadyne

by crafter2243 Moderator 21 Nov 2015

Love this picture. What beautiful animals. I am so sorry for the loss of your 4 legged buddy. Having gone through this a few times I know how you feel. Sending you cyber hugs

by snowbird42 21 Nov 2015

Nothing like the unconditional love of your dogs....soozie

by pldc 21 Nov 2015

I am sorry for your loss, it is heartbreaking to loose our dogs, they are family to us. They have gone over the rainbow bridge until you meet again ~hugs~

by dragonflyer 21 Nov 2015 the Newfies...have one that lives across the street and he is a sweetheart!

by tonilee 21 Nov 2015

so pretty, I'm sorry for your lose, you can never replace dog children but hope you have it in your heart after a time to think of a new little person to love, we need our fur children, I have 4 rescue babies alto they rescued me I had lost my little guy and four dogs later I don't know what I would do with out them, so sorry hugs Toni lee

by gerryvb 21 Nov 2015

sorry for your loss, it's always so hard to say goodbye . I lhad to say goodbye to my sweet dog on October 12, but she will always have that special place in my heart. And so will have your lovely dog. Hugs )))

by debbieve 21 Nov 2015

Beautiful furbabies. I know how you feel. When my parents found out they were pregnant with me they went out and bought me a puppy. I am sixty four and have never been without a dog. They are members of the family and when we lose them there is a profound grief. When I lost my dear little Luni (dachshund). I cried so much my husband said I could have up to 4 dogs. Big mistake! I went out and adopted 3 rescue dachshunds. Triple trouble. I have loved all of my dogs, but 2 of them have a piece of my heart. I'm sure you have lots of love to give, so when your ready give that love to another pup that needs it.

by 02kar Moderator 21 Nov 2015

Words can never heal the pain of losing your furbabies. But treasure those memories of these beautiful creatures. They look like they were a combination of regal and fun loving. We all cry with you.

by jrob Moderator 21 Nov 2015

What beautiful babies! I'm so sorry for your loss. It hurts like the dickens to loose a member of our family.

by asterixsew Moderator 21 Nov 2015

Yes we do miss our furbabies when they go but their memories remain

by pennifold 21 Nov 2015

My heart aches for you - my best friend has had Newfies for years and only earlier this year got a Chocolate puppy and she is called Rosie, already nearly 30kg! All of her others have lived for about 8 or 9 years and were the traditional ones. Your dogs here are just beautiful. Love Chris