by amarilloactor 26 Jun 2008

I have found almost all of the other two alpha's and need to double check for the rest of the letters (I am missing5 from Spring and 1 from Brites). Can anyone help me find the "I" for the Flower Alpha. Sorry if you already knew about the others, but I am a man possessed with collecting Alphabets and thought I'd share.

sample of Brites:
sample of Spring:

Good luck hunting and enjoy!!! Eric


by lbrow 26 Jun 2008

My goodness Eric you're just full of info today. Thanks *4U

by bikermomfl 26 Jun 2008

I also am addicted to collecting the alphabets. I've been making baby quilts with them. So far they have turned out adorable. I've made a couple with sets from designs by sick. Look into those, they had a dollar sale on a different page every hour, pretty cool if you don't have the membership. I can afford $1 at a time easier than the $45 to join. Yet I've spent way more that that there. I think they are may favorite sellers. Good luck and what do you do with the alphabets?

amarilloactor by amarilloactor 26 Jun 2008

At the risk of sounding like I am bragging, I just collect them for now. I have 253 different alphas right now. I have only used 1 letter from 1 alpha to make monogrammed towels for myself. So all they are doing for me right now is taking up disk space and look nice in the binders on the bookshelf! Eric

bikermomfl by bikermomfl 26 Jun 2008

your flowered "I" is on and if that doesn't work go to the towel toppers, then go the the 4th of july and poof there it is!