by columbus 12 Nov 2015

Please think of me. I have let my dear Newfoundland dog go over the rainbow bridge tomorrow due to a tumor. He stayed with me for more than 9 years. I miss him. I am so sad.


by carlson 17 Nov 2015

Sorry to hear about it. I know how you feel, been there before.
They become little people after awhile and you miss your buddy.
Take care.;-(

by perraut 16 Nov 2015

toutes mes condoléances et courage
cricri de Paris

by oldtimer992005 14 Nov 2015

oh, i feel your pain. your sorrow and your sadness.take time to grief but remember this, he is with god and god will look after him. he will not feel anymore pain. he will be free to run and play.keep him in your heart always.

by grannycowpuncher 13 Nov 2015

I am so very sorry for your loss, it is so painful to loose our furbabies. We had to make this same decision several months ago with both of our Border Collies, they were 14 and suffering from Kidney failure. They had both suffered and we just could not let it go on. It will get easier as time goes by, but you will get past this hurting ache in your heart with prayer and I will keep you in my prayers.

by bja37 13 Nov 2015

My heart goes out to you! I have been thru this painful choice that has to be made for the love of your pet/friend. Nothing makes it easier but time and prayer!

by jid53 13 Nov 2015

I feel your sorrow but you have many wonderful memories

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by airyfairy edited 18 Nov 2015

I know how hard this is and you know that you are doing the right thing. My thoughts are with you.

by baydreamer 13 Nov 2015

My heart breaks for you! It will be hard , so cry because he will be missed, cry because he was loved but then smile for all the great memories you have of him, but remember a broken heart take time to heal !

by pldc 13 Nov 2015

you must have loved him very much in order to make this difficult decision, I do believe that he knew this too & loved you all the more because of it. He is pain free now & running in sunshine filled fields until you meet again ~hugs~

by embquilt 13 Nov 2015

Oh he is gorgeous. I'm so sorry for your pain

by castor 13 Nov 2015

I can feel with you .Its like loosing a Child. Just take Comfort that he didn't have to suffer.I wish we Ourself could leave that Way. Hugs Ursula

by katydid 13 Nov 2015

I am so sorry . I have gone through this so many times and it is hard! Kay

by tamtam 12 Nov 2015

I share your pain & heartache. I am so sorry. A dear friend told me many years ago, that all dogs do go to heaven. I choose to believe it, so you will have him again, meanwhile, he will keep your friends & loved ones company for you. Many hugs, Tammy

by pacmp 12 Nov 2015

I am so sorry you are going through this heart ache. I too believe like Chris that the pets of this world will again be with us after we pass from this life to the next. Though I also know that, knowing this will still not remove the heart ache of what you are going through. It is not an easy decision and you also know that you do not want him to suffer and suffer he would if you were not to help make this choice for him. ((Hugs)) Pam

by jrob Moderator 12 Nov 2015

I'm so very sorry. Prayers for comfort for you and the others that your darling puppy owned.

by basketkase 12 Nov 2015

What a gorgeous fur baby......I am so sorry to hear about your loss....

by cfidl 12 Nov 2015

He is beautiful.

by Ossineu 12 Nov 2015

I'm so sorry for you. I can understand your grief well . We have lost after surgery our 18 month old Golden Retriever Sam . The whole family has been shaken , and the joy was gone a long time .
I wish you all much strength , this difficult time to survive . I can only tell you , there come times again , because the joy will return . For us it was as if our dog Gizmo has come to us .

by lbrow 12 Nov 2015

So sorry to hear this Chris. It's hard to make these decisions I know/Lillian

by asterixsew Moderator 12 Nov 2015

Saying goodbye to one of the family is very difficult but when they are suffering its the final kindness we can do for them. Its hard and tough but try to remember the goodtimes.

by grossfamilie 12 Nov 2015

You are in my thoughts. Big hugs to you - I know the feeling too. Two of
our cats had to go that be the one to make the decision is
tragic and sad. It only helps to think that our beloved companions are then relieved of their pain

by graceandham 12 Nov 2015

That's a hard thing you're going through. You are in my prayers for consolation.

by dragonflyer 12 Nov 2015

So, so, very sad to hear this...such a gentle heart goes out to you...remember how much love you have received from him for all those years...

by sdrise 12 Nov 2015

So sorry to her that. Prayers are with you. Fur babies are hard to let go of . They are part of the family... Prayers are with you.

by pennifold 12 Nov 2015

What a beauty. My best friend has had Newfoundlands for years and now has a chocolate called Rosie. My heart goes out to you and I know you have wonderful memories of the last 9 years. I like to think that when we leave this earth our beloved pets will come bounding over the Rainbow bridge and be with us forever. Love Chris

by designgirl 12 Nov 2015

I know the feeling, they are a part of our lives and it is so sad when we have to let they go. Will be thinking of you tomorrow. Hugs Lynn

by ktk9 12 Nov 2015

It's like losing a chunk of your own heart. Hugs from one who has been there...

by chenille 12 Nov 2015

I am very sorry for your loss. We lost our standard poodle in June. I am still having tears.
Hugs, Nadyne

by heleninca 12 Nov 2015

I am so sorry for your loss. Remember the good times.

by awesome1 12 Nov 2015

My heart is breaking for you because I have been thru it. My darling cat was healthy when we took him for cleaning his teeth last Dec 5. He never got to come home and i've been grieving ever since. But your precious is being saved from pain and slow death by the tumor. So just know that you have done the humane thing and it's what he would have wanted you to do. Go ahead and grieve for him, but remember all the good memories you have of him.

by zoefzoef 12 Nov 2015

it is always hard to lose one of our dear friends. They are always happy to see us, never remain angry with us, comfort us when we are sick or down. It is hard, but know that you will meet him again.
Hug sent ....

by crafter2243 Moderator 12 Nov 2015

Hugs to you

by gerryvb 12 Nov 2015

I'm so sorry, I know the sadness and pain. Hope he will meet my dear Djenna, to play with.....Thinking of you tomorrow, hugs for now

by rmj8939 12 Nov 2015

My heart goes out to you.