by mysew1325 11 Nov 2015

Hot pads... I was looking through a box of quilting supplies and found some projects that I started and did not finish.. so I finished these hot pads for myself.. they are three different sizes but they will work just fine


by lbrow 12 Nov 2015

Great job on UFOs. I always feel good when some get finished. Job well done/Lillian

by sonjapotgieter 12 Nov 2015

Stunning...Well done

by highlandermom 12 Nov 2015

Love them and which is worse ufo's or wtd. Now we all know unfinished projects ufo's and by wtd. Want to do's meaning things you want to try on your mind. Them want to do's drive me crazy as I try not to have the ufo's.
Glad you got to do for you.

by tlp22 11 Nov 2015

Love these!

by brendalea 11 Nov 2015

Nice hot pots. Thank you for sharing Happy Stitching :~)

by pldc 11 Nov 2015

They are all lovely & it is so nice to finish ufo's too ~hugs~

by peafarm 11 Nov 2015

Don't we all have UFO's---great job getting to yours. My stack is growing.

by babash 11 Nov 2015

What lovely designs. Were they test ones originally? love what you have done with them. Beautiful work.

by sandralane 11 Nov 2015

Great work in finishing some UFO'S. Nice designs beautifully embroidered. Sandra.

by pennifold 11 Nov 2015

Gorgeous, and well done for finishing something for you. Love Chris

by 02kar Moderator 11 Nov 2015

I recognize those designs! I like how you used them. Kudos to you to treat yourself to some wonderful hot pads.

by dragonflyer 11 Nov 2015

Well done...and these UFO's are now off the list!

by pennyhal2 11 Nov 2015

Very well done. I like the little loops that you added too!

by crafter2243 Moderator 11 Nov 2015

It is a great feeling when we finish a UFO. Yours are great.

by mechille 11 Nov 2015

Good job. Nice when you make something for yourself. Thanks for sharing. Mechille :)

by elemausi 11 Nov 2015

Very clever idea but to nice to use:-)

by connerj 11 Nov 2015

Really cute - I like the pink one - my sewing room is off limits lol :)

by noah 11 Nov 2015

Way to go another ufo finished hugs