by nonna57 02 Nov 2015

Ladies. Am on a mission to suprise my Sis & BiL . Need silhouettes of PLANES for a towel. Like a Stealth etc. BIL is a fanatic plane collector.Free if possible. Thanks in advance . Pauline :)


by cece1 04 Nov 2015

Go over to sewforum and do a search. Maybe you will find something you can use. Hugs, Cece

getEdited - SELECT
by bevintex edited 03 Nov 2015

go to sick embroidery and look up military silhouettes,I can't get the link to work but I think it's what you need
Not free but you get a lot for $4.00

1 comment
nonna57 by nonna57 04 Nov 2015

Thankyou Bev. All good now i have my request :))

by rescuer Moderator 03 Nov 2015

It might help if you were to repost this in the Embroidery or Freebie section. I would select Freebie since you would prefer them to be free. That way you are asking for Freebies in the best place.

This section is for Prayer requests, hugs and birthday wishes. I am afraid many mark a post with a flower saying they have read the post and cannot help.

nonna57 by nonna57 03 Nov 2015

Thankyou. Sorry wrong post box. Pauline

rescuer by rescuer 03 Nov 2015

I hope you find what you need. The only ones I found for free were at illegal websites. I hope someone else does better for you that I did

by nonna57 03 Nov 2015

13 flowers but no help. :( Oh well back to the drawing board i go... Thanks anyways

1 comment
crafter2243 by crafter2243 03 Nov 2015

I am sorry I can not help, but if I recall correctly Megann at one point was asking for pictures of planes to digitize for a occasion. She may have some.