by dragonflyer 31 Oct 2015

Holiday Clam-Shell what do you do when, in a time pinch, you purchase a design advertised as an In-The-Hoop Potholder that turns out NOT to really be In-The-Hoop...Imagine hooping three times just for the pieces and then having to sew all the pieces together by hand (ouch) or by zig zag on the sewing machine...which was not disclosed in the description (Seriously happened!)...Well, needless to say, I was not a happy camper...So, I digitized this one which REALLY is done In-The-Hoop with no raw edges showing...except for a small opening for turning that is hand or machine stitched to close...At least the designs that came with the one I purchased will be useful...even thought their actual Potholder pattern was a total bust in my opinion...


by pldc 02 Nov 2015

Ah Kim how disappointing I do believe that I bought the same potholders for that very reason! UGH You did a lovely job on yours!~hugs~

bevintex by bevintex 02 Nov 2015

I'm glad I got mine on sale.would of been very unhappy if I had of paid full price. I will try them anyway

dragonflyer by dragonflyer 02 Nov 2015

Fortunately, so did I...I would have been REALLY unhappy if I had paid in excess of $22 for them (which is the price they are selling them for today)...and if you are going to use the actual Christmas designs that came with the collection...beware...the designs are not digitized very well... there are numerous cuts and jumps that do not or should not have to be there...unfortunate...

by zoefzoef 01 Nov 2015

How practicall !

1 comment
dragonflyer by dragonflyer 01 Nov 2015


by basketkase 01 Nov 2015

I love the engineering mind that you & Sue have.......these are great, Kim....

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dragonflyer by dragonflyer 01 Nov 2015

Thanks, Vicki..

by stork 01 Nov 2015

I saw the other one too.....glad I didn't purchase. This looks more professionally done. Great job and idea~

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dragonflyer by dragonflyer 01 Nov 2015

Oh, me too...thanks!

by robinbird 01 Nov 2015

This potholder you've done looks delightful& sounds like you'd used your skills to make it better too. Thanks for sharing your work. :~D

by RockyB 01 Nov 2015

You potholder came out great! It's great that you are able to design yourself, saved you! Great job!

by kingmar 01 Nov 2015

Lovely AND functional. Great job. You have "made lemonade out of lemons". Wish you sold your designs. mk

by airyfairy 01 Nov 2015

Looks amazing. You are such a talented lady.

by sonjapotgieter 01 Nov 2015

So Awesome design!!!!Love the choice of your Fabric..Great work done!!Beautiful

by bemara 01 Nov 2015

the potholder looks very beautiful :-) I do not know how long I already want to sew one to me -lol

by sllakin 01 Nov 2015

Beautiful oven mitt and a great saved design! I am just puzzled how you did it with no raw edges inside - it is a puzzle! Love your version with or without the snow flakes it is lovely!

by embquilt 01 Nov 2015

So is there a link to purchase yours?

Looks great and my favorite winter colors

by joansatx 01 Nov 2015

Bummer on your purchase! Hooray for your talent!

by aussiequilter 01 Nov 2015

it may have been a lot of work Kim ,but its beautiful

by lidiad 01 Nov 2015

That's gorgeous, Kim, love it!
I had a couple of huge disappointments too, it happened years ago when I bought doily outlines from two different websites and those designs were appalling, neither of the two designers had any clue how to design them. I didn't complain but never bought any designs from them anymore.
Hugs, Lidia

by pennifold 01 Nov 2015

WOW, WOW, WOW!!! Kim, this is just gorgeous. I wish I had had this design last year as my annual ladies Christmas luncheon's theme was Snowflakes. This is such a useful gift Kim, you've done an excellent job on it. Well done, love Chris

by tlp22 01 Nov 2015

You did a gorgeous job on this.Such a beauty.

by jrob Moderator 31 Oct 2015

Looks like a winner!

by katydid 31 Oct 2015

Oh! The smart one. I wish I had the ability to tweet and save others bad designs. Last year at this time I was stitching a hostess gift and the color sequence was off. This tells me that it was never test stitched. No one should put a design up for sale that had not been test stitched first. Kay

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mops by mops 01 Nov 2015

That's why I never buy when there is not a picture of the stitched design. Computer generated pics can be very misleading.

by dday 31 Oct 2015

Nice design, I love the snow flakes and fabric, so something good came out of it. You always do such nice work.

by cj2sew 31 Oct 2015

Well I think this one is a real winner. Love your fabric choices too.

by manami 31 Oct 2015

Beautiful job Kim! Very useful as well.

by softhearted1 31 Oct 2015

This type of potholder is so handy to use. Love the strip piecing too. Would be a great way to use up those scrap pieces that we all have. These would make lovely gifts. So sorry that the ITH design that you purchased was so disappointing

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dragonflyer by dragonflyer 31 Oct 2015

Thank you...yes disappointing, but that's the way the cookie crumbles, I and learn!

by laffma1 31 Oct 2015

Well done!! I like this (clamshell) style of potholder, and I really like the strip piecing you did here. I have an ITH pattern from another website, but haven't yet tried it. Now you have me curious to go read their instructions to see just how much of it really is ITH.

dragonflyer by dragonflyer 31 Oct 2015

Thank you...hopefully, you will have better luck with yours..

katydid by katydid 31 Oct 2015

I have one ,also and am wondering! Kay

by brendalea 31 Oct 2015

Nicely done. Love the colors of the fabric & threads.
Thank you for sharing Happy Stitching :~)

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dragonflyer by dragonflyer 31 Oct 2015

thanks, brenda..

by pyingling 31 Oct 2015

How do we get the ith pattern?

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dragonflyer by dragonflyer 31 Oct 2015

It is my own digitized ITH Potholder Pattern...

by lbrow 31 Oct 2015

Well I think you have come up with a top-notch one. Love what you have done here. This will make great gift for anyone who goes in kitchen. Kim/Lillian

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dragonflyer by dragonflyer 31 Oct 2015

Thanks, Lillian...

by noah 31 Oct 2015

extra lovely my dear:):)hugs

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dragonflyer by dragonflyer 31 Oct 2015

Thanks, Carolyn...

by peafarm 31 Oct 2015

Kim!!!! Another terrific project by you. You do fabulous work. Your designs are perfection. This is the problem with putting out money for an advertised item only to be so disappointed. I don't digitize so rely of freebies and some purchased designs. I get so disappointed when there are no written directions and no pictures to go by either. So, I am lost. Those of you who digitize are so gracious to give of your time and talent to those of us who request your designs. Just wanted to take the time to say a BIG thank you to you and all.

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dragonflyer by dragonflyer 31 Oct 2015

Thank you, Patti...

by mops Moderator 31 Oct 2015

Nice potholder. Love the snowflakes. Don't understand why they could not do a better ITH job which would make it so much easier for all embroiderers.

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dragonflyer by dragonflyer 31 Oct 2015

Thanks, Martine...Yes it would!

by Leaha 31 Oct 2015

Beautiful job you've done as always. Lovely fabrics and Snowflakes, some of my best friends are flakes. :P

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dragonflyer by dragonflyer 31 Oct 2015

Thank you Leaha!

by sewdeb 31 Oct 2015

It is so aggravating when you pay for a design and it doesn't live up to its promise, but your did a fabulous job saving/reworking this design! Bravo!

dragonflyer by dragonflyer 31 Oct 2015

Thanks...and I agree, aggravating...but I would imagine more so for someone who didn't'd be stuck!

Leaha by Leaha 31 Oct 2015

Yes you are stuck and it's enough to make one want to learn to digitize if one could just find the time.

mops by mops 31 Oct 2015

And then there are the sites that does not allow you to make any changes to a design. Too bad when you bought it thinking it was a "real" ITH design.

by cfidl 31 Oct 2015

It is fabulous! I love the way it has a collar or sorts.

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dragonflyer by dragonflyer 31 Oct 2015

Thanks,'s a good size too..very workable..not too big, not too small...

by bevintex 31 Oct 2015

I like this one.

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dragonflyer by dragonflyer 31 Oct 2015

Thanks, Bev...

by carolpountney 31 Oct 2015

I just love your design, it can be off putting when it is not what we think, I am sure if they said partly in the hoop they would be more acceptable

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dragonflyer by dragonflyer 31 Oct 2015

Ah, you are so right, Carol!