getEdited - SELECT
by stork ( edited 23 Oct 2015 ) 23 Oct 2015

Question?! I have the windows 10 on the computer now...ugh. Still trying to get adjusted to it. When downloading files what is your preference when it comes up to listing the apps that allow you to pick how you want to download files?! I am not that computer literate! lol Not even sure if any of this makes sense....


by Barbaric 24 Oct 2015

which web browser are using? In google chrome it gives you the option of where you want to place your downloads. I set up a download folder with sub folders. I then unzip my files and place them where i want them plus back them up to an external hard drive.

by queenofhearts 24 Oct 2015

I also have Windows 10 and I haven't figured out how to unzip the files after I download them. I have given up trying and just use my laptop where I am running Windows 8. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Winzip is no longer free and I don't know another program that would be.

crafter2243 by crafter2243 24 Oct 2015

I have been using 7zip for 3-4 years. It also unzips rar files.
Once installed you right click on the zipped file and you will have options how to unzip. I have windows 10 now and it works just fine

nutshell by nutshell 24 Oct 2015

7zip is nice, but Windows has a zip/unzip function built in. You can right-click on a file to unzip it (or "expand" -- I don't remember the exact wording).

spendlove by spendlove 24 Oct 2015

I think you mean "extract".

by sandyqueen 23 Oct 2015

I have a folder ALLEMBROIDERY and in that folder I have a folder for each SITE NAME (BFC, Cute, Designsbysick, etc.) that I download designs from. That way I can go back to say BFC for color charts, special instructions if I need them. When I unzip sets I can sort them with folders under the site name as to floral, FSL, applique, redwork or any other category I might download.

PM me and I can expand on this if you want.


getEdited - SELECT
by dragonflyer edited 23 Oct 2015

I always have my system ask where I want to save I always select the download location..I never just download to the computer download folder...that way they are where I want them and I don't have to spend time to re-file them from the download folder...

ethan by ethan 24 Oct 2015

This is what I do also. g

stork by stork 24 Oct 2015

I did that before and now with windows 10 having difficulty figuring the "new" ways out! ugh

by crafter2243 Moderator 23 Oct 2015

I have all my my files go to the download center first and from there I unzip and organize them. I am not sure if I answered your question.