by arisann 29 Sep 2015

Hi, I am looking for a design and the digitizer that made it. It is called blanketbaby. I think it was made about 20 years ago. It is a little girl I think with her back to you and has a heart on her behind. She is wearing a hat and has a towel sort of dragging behind her. She looks like a precious moment or a dreamscycle design, not sure, it is a filled design. If you know info on this design I would like to know. I do have a jpeg picture however I do not know if I am allowed to post it, since I do not know who's design this is. Thank you so much!


by arisann 30 Sep 2015

Thank you all for reply. Yea!! It is on Ann The Gram, so happy to finally find it!

by dragonflyer 30 Sep 2015

I believe the design you are looking for is called "Cherub Fairy" and it is at Ann the Gran...

1 comment
arisann by arisann 30 Sep 2015

You are so right! Oh, thank you for this info. I have looked and looked. I just love this design!! Blessings to you.

by chlo 29 Sep 2015

I think it was from ann the gran site....chlo

1 comment
arisann by arisann 30 Sep 2015

yes, thanks so much!

by sandralane 29 Sep 2015

I hope you find some help, good luck as i am unable to help. Sandra.

1 comment
arisann by arisann 30 Sep 2015

Thanks, It is from Ann The Gran. Got info in another post. But thanks so much for reply!

by chlo 29 Sep 2015

I believe I have the design. It was a freebie some where years ago.Don't have any info on where it came from. Clo

1 comment
arisann by arisann 30 Sep 2015

Thanks for the reply. I have info from another reply and it is Ann The Gran. So glad to finally find It.

by babash 29 Sep 2015

Sounds a bit like the coppertone girl that we used to see in sun screen adverts.

1 comment
arisann by arisann 30 Sep 2015

Thank you for reply, I have info on it from another. It is from Ann The Gran. So glad to find it, finally...

by jrob Moderator 29 Sep 2015

I hope someone comes to your help in finding the design. You are correct in that to post it, you would need to identify the artist. I'll be on the lookout. ;)

1 comment
arisann by arisann 30 Sep 2015

Thank you for reply, I have info from another and it is at Ann The Gran. I am so glad to finally locate it.