by tlp22 ( edited 18 Aug 2015 ) 16 Aug 2015

This is called Zen Beach and yes It is from San Francisco Stitch co. It is part of a project I have in the works. My machine is have temper tantrums with the tension so pardon the boo boo's. Thanks for looking.

Just adding a little teaser.
another update


by tlp22 26 Aug 2015

Well, I am still waiting on that template so here are 3 of the 4 placemats I have done. The other large shell will be a tablerunner if that thingy ever gets here. Thanks again for looking.

1 comment
decojo by decojo 28 Aug 2015

Everything is lovely!

by zoefzoef 22 Aug 2015

very nice !!

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 22 Aug 2015


by Boutry 22 Aug 2015

Bonjour de France

J'aime beaucoup! giséle

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 22 Aug 2015

Thank You Gisele, I love it too.

by toogie 22 Aug 2015

Oh-la-la I like this!

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 22 Aug 2015

Thanks Toogie.

by katydid 21 Aug 2015

Great fabric choice! Kay

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 22 Aug 2015

thank you

by tlp22 21 Aug 2015

Time for another update. More coming. Waiting on something in the mail.

katydid by katydid 21 Aug 2015

Looks great!!

Leaha by Leaha 21 Aug 2015

These are all beautiful!

tlp22 by tlp22 22 Aug 2015


by scrappinhappie 18 Aug 2015

I'm so glad you posted the large shell, I have been thinking about getting it for myself. The colors you used are perfect and just pop!!

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 18 Aug 2015

Thank you so much.

by anagha 18 Aug 2015

Very Very pretty

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 18 Aug 2015


by Leaha 17 Aug 2015

If we are suppose to guess, I have my idea ready. These are lovely.

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 18 Aug 2015

No guessing needed . thanks.

by sonjapotgieter 17 Aug 2015

Stunning!!!!Well done

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 18 Aug 2015

thank you

by pennyhal2 17 Aug 2015

These are super mats! Love the color choices as the are perfect for the sea. San Fran Stitch must be one of your favorite sites and I love it too!

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 17 Aug 2015

Thanks and yes great person at the helm. And such original designs

by peafarm 17 Aug 2015

Very pretty-waiting to see more.

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 17 Aug 2015

thank you

by dailylaundry 17 Aug 2015

I love anything "beachie" and these are beautiful!! Hugs, Laura*

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 17 Aug 2015

Thank you so do I. I've see the ocean in Florida, Texas, and California but the most beautiful was Gorgeous.

by dragonflyer 17 Aug 2015

Very nice so far...can't wait until you add to this post with more!

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 17 Aug 2015


by sjbrower 17 Aug 2015

Oh I love these.... and cant' wait to see the finished project! --Sharon

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 17 Aug 2015

Thanks me too! I get too excited.

by pldc 17 Aug 2015

Theresa nicely done, ~hugs~

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 17 Aug 2015


by gougousse 17 Aug 2015

Very beautiful, love colours, love "sea"

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 edited 18 Aug 2015


by decojo 17 Aug 2015

very pretty!

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 17 Aug 2015

Thank you

by noah 17 Aug 2015

Lovely work you are doing here hugs

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 17 Aug 2015

Thank you very much.

by jrob Moderator 17 Aug 2015

It's beautiful, I'll be watching this thread to see what you will keep adding to this project.

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 17 Aug 2015

Thanks! I love nautical or sea life specially since we live by a state lake.

by 02kar Moderator 17 Aug 2015

I love it.

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 17 Aug 2015


by lbrow 17 Aug 2015

Beautiful Sea Shell/Lillian

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 17 Aug 2015


by lidiad 17 Aug 2015

Great fabric and colours, well done!
Hugs, Lidia

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 17 Aug 2015

Thank you

by pennifold 17 Aug 2015

Stunning Theresa! Love the colours you've used in this. Love Chris

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 18 Aug 2015

Thanks Chris!

by Ossineu 17 Aug 2015

Gefällt mir sehr gut. Ich lebe an der Küste und mag Muscheln besonders gern. Tolle Farbauswahl!
Viele Grüße

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 17 Aug 2015

Thank you so much Angelika. There is a whole series at This one is the largest. She also has a set of 4 that are coaster size.

by marfa 17 Aug 2015

harmonious result, a good choice of fabrics and nicely stiched.

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 17 Aug 2015

thank you

by laffma1 16 Aug 2015

It turned out beautifully. What will it be once completed?

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 16 Aug 2015

Thank you very much.
Finished LOL! I am not telling at this point. It is a surprise.