by toet 31 Jul 2015

My dear good friends It is cold in north QLD. So I have had a lot of use from my supper quilt. Have had bad news followed by good. Ten weeks ago I was told the cancer had moved to my brain, lots of tears. So they changed my chemo to tablet form. A couple of days ago I had another scan on the brain and it has all disappeared., the cancer. Big happy dance for me now. I am changing chemo again next Wednesday. A big thankyou for all your prays. Hopefully it disappears from my lungs and liver now. big hugs Heather.


by raels011 03 Aug 2015

Great news Hope the rest will go too. Hugs

by cfidl 01 Aug 2015

I was old the cancer will be manageable by 2010. I think this is what they meant. You go girl! God Bless!

by gerryb 01 Aug 2015

Great news! Praise God. We will keep on praying for ALL of it to disappear!!

by pennifold 01 Aug 2015

Thank you so much for sharing this great news Heather. I have been so concerned for you and knew something was not quite right. To say I am thrilled about this is an understatement. Prayers continuing for the cancer to disappear from your lungs and liver. And I'm so glad to see you still have your brain he he he! Love Chris

by lbrow 31 Jul 2015

PTL. Very good news to hear. Keep the faith and we will keep the prayers going/Lillian

by abl789 31 Jul 2015

Thanking God for your good news and praying there will be more to come.--Susan

by noah 31 Jul 2015

Oh Praise God so happy for you hugs

by shirley124 31 Jul 2015

Prayers coming for more good news. Hugs Shirley

by katydid 31 Jul 2015

Many prayers coming your way! Stay positive! Kay

by jrob Moderator 31 Jul 2015

Heather, you remain on my prayer list. I know this is scary, but God is bigger than cancer. Be positive and fight on. Big hugs to you!

by crafter2243 Moderator 31 Jul 2015

I pray that lungs and liver will be free from cancer also. I am so glad that it had disappeared in your brain.
Hugs Angie

by suelyn7 31 Jul 2015

So very happy to hear this good news. Hope it continues to get even better. Best wishes suelyn

by 02kar Moderator 31 Jul 2015

Good news. I think we all need to triple our prayers so all organs are covered. I hope for more good news.

by susiesembroidery 31 Jul 2015

I will keep you in my prayers. Get well soon. God's richest blessing on you.

by rachap 31 Jul 2015

Those two little words, "all gone", means the world. Prayers for your complete return to good health .

by dragonflyer 31 Jul 2015

Such good news...I will pray that it all disappears...stay strong and snuggle up knowing all of our arms surround you!

by grandmamek 31 Jul 2015

Heather Such good news!! I will continue to pray for you that your cancer will disappear completely. Hugs, Mary

by Leaha 31 Jul 2015

Happy Dancing for you! Faith, prayers and the Good Lord continue His awesome healing presence with you!
ps. Your can keep using the quilt...just let me share the cold. lol.

by rescuer Moderator 31 Jul 2015

You are so strong! I am so glad I saw this post! My prayers for you continue -- even while we are away camping. Big Hugs!

by CymbleneJones 31 Jul 2015

God bless you! Great news & hoping it all goes away.

by asterixsew Moderator 31 Jul 2015

Heather a cyber hug and loads of positive thoughts