by tlp22 10 Jul 2015

This is my Week 5 from the San Francisco Stitch Summer mystery Road trip. Thanks for looking.


by cfidl 17 Jul 2015


by sailorgal 17 Jul 2015

Well, you had already answered my wish. Your stitch-outs are beautiful!

I need to get going myself. I have stitched out the first one, but I really don't like the colors I used.

Also, don't have the material I like for the next two. Ho, hu

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tlp22 by tlp22 17 Jul 2015

use a nuetral.

by sewfrenzie 14 Jul 2015

I need to get going on mine. It may be the only road trip I go on this year, lol!

sailorgal by sailorgal 17 Jul 2015

I hear you. I am recovering from my third back surgery and cannot travel. Even sitting at my embroidery machine h-u-r-t-s!

tlp22 by tlp22 17 Jul 2015

take care embroidery will be there just like the dishes

by sewtired 11 Jul 2015

Well done. I hope I can back on track with mine soon.

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tlp22 by tlp22 17 Jul 2015


by sonjapotgieter 11 Jul 2015

Trying to catch up...Great work...Amazing

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 17 Jul 2015


by pennyhal2 11 Jul 2015

Your stitchouts are fabulous! You have a great knack for choosing thread colors that make it look like a painting. What are you using for stabilizer?

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 11 Jul 2015

thanks pennyhal2 It is a heavy cut away 2 layers from All Stitch. 2.5 oz. I hoop the stabilizer only. Tight as you can get it. Then with spray of 505 lay the fabric on top.

by tlp22 edited 11 Jul 2015

sjbrower andNancyBT10, usually Carol has a plan but, you never know I might veer and do something different. I have been making pillow covers for in my sewing room. I use them til the next mystery stitch or inspiration comes. Thanks for looking.

by radmom 11 Jul 2015

You're moving right along! I'm three behind now.

sewtired by sewtired 11 Jul 2015

me too.

tlp22 by tlp22 edited 17 Jul 2015

come on you guys we are in the mountains now

by sjbrower 11 Jul 2015

I'm collecting these as well.... and this is my fav so far. Do you know what you will do with your stitched work?

I have a piece of black/cream fabric with what looks like air traffic map on it that I want to put these designs on for a pillow for my g-daughter who loves "road trips"! I'm waiting for all to be done before planning the layout.... kinda spoils the mystery, huh?

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tlp22 by tlp22 17 Jul 2015

I bet it will be gorgeous. Can't wait to see it.

by NancyBT10 11 Jul 2015

It looks great! Thanks for posting. I am collecting the designs for the road trip even though they are too large for my little 4x4 hoop so they will have to go in a folder for the time being. Still, I am enjoying the road trip and look forward to seeing the designs each week and especially those stitched out from Cute Embroidery members! Have you any idea what you will make once you have completed all of the designs?

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tlp22 by tlp22 17 Jul 2015 not yet.

by lidiad 11 Jul 2015

That's beautiful, well done!
Hugs, Lidia

by de105 11 Jul 2015

Yours looks great! I just downloaded mine.

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tlp22 by tlp22 11 Jul 2015

thanks! hope to see you there.

by noah 10 Jul 2015

excellent :):)hugs

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tlp22 by tlp22 11 Jul 2015


by pldc 10 Jul 2015

Love the Opry & this looks terrific!~hugs~

by babash 10 Jul 2015

Thanks for the reminder. Yours looks great sewn out.

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tlp22 by tlp22 10 Jul 2015

thank you ..hope to see yours soon.

by pennifold 10 Jul 2015

You are going great with all these designs, they are all awesome. Love Chris

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tlp22 by tlp22 10 Jul 2015

Thanks so much Chris.

by shirley124 10 Jul 2015

Love this design. Hugs

by lbrow 10 Jul 2015

That big 8 wheeler keeps moving on,absolutely marvelous!/Lillian

lbrow by lbrow 10 Jul 2015

Use to get to the Grand Ole Opry now and then. I miss those good old days.

tlp22 by tlp22 edited 10 Jul 2015

Thanks. The Country now a days is quite different in sound but the soul of the music is the same.

sailorgal by sailorgal 17 Jul 2015

Double ditto to both of you. I can remember my parents trying to listen to it with their old radio connected to a screen door with a wire. Lots of static, very little clear music. Loved it anyhow.

by mrsa 10 Jul 2015

Got this one too and it's awesome! My brother is a guitarist and he's actually played in Nashville as a studio musician. I'll have to think of what I can make for him. :-)

tlp22 by tlp22 10 Jul 2015

Thanks. What about a pic or string bag.

pldc by pldc 10 Jul 2015


by Trish56 10 Jul 2015

I have just downloaded mine, I am going to love this one, we love country music, and this is defiantly on our WILL be seeing list when we get to the USA. these stitch out great, yours is terrific, ..... see you on the road !

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tlp22 by tlp22 10 Jul 2015

You will have a blast in Nashville. See you and the rest of the gang when you arrive.

by peafarm 10 Jul 2015

Very Nice--I just went there and downloaded. I am a dork--I thought I missed Wk 3 but I saved it to another USB-found it while organizing. None stitched out though but love seeing your progression. Will love seeing the finished project.

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 10 Jul 2015

Thanks peafarm, Glad you found your missing week. Come on and join the fun.