by graceandham 26 Jun 2015

Remember all those zippers I bought at Salvation Army? I got the guilts and have been sewing ITH zipper bags - 10 so far. Since I have unusual colors, I start with a zipper and then find fabric to match and then fabrics to coordinate with first fabric.


by pacmp 28 Jun 2015

Have been kicking myself ever since I was in a upholstery fabric store and they were clearing out 3-5" long zippers of odd color shades for I believe 7 cents each and I only grabbed a handful instead of the whole box of several hundred. If I had purchased them all, I am sure all of you would be helping me to get them out of my storage and into completed projects as fast as I could ship them.

by graceandham 27 Jun 2015

Update: Finished all the college colors I had, so started on Christmas bags and I'm up to 17. Tomorrow, I'll give it a rest. Our big patriotic concert at church in the afternoon, with symphony and choir around 100.

by cfidl 26 Jun 2015

I need zippers! I sorted and pulled a couple to do ITH with, and determined that I need zippers. I have a designs that uses 3 in one piece. I have a set of 3 only they are green. I need to visit Salvation Army! I hope to be a lucky as you!

by 02kar Moderator 26 Jun 2015

Those zippers were a super find and now you are turning them into the cutest bags ever.

by lbrow 26 Jun 2015

Sounds like a plan I could take and run with. Good thinking!/Lillian

by marianb 26 Jun 2015

good thinking!

by spendlove Moderator 26 Jun 2015

Sounds like my style! Are we going to see them?

by lilylyn 26 Jun 2015

Sounds like a good plan. Keep going LOL Lyn