getEdited - SELECT
by gerryvb ( edited 17 Jun 2015 ) 17 Jun 2015

DAILY QUOTE june 17:

“There are two types of persons in life :
One is the observer and the other is the doer.
The only way to become a doer is to quit observing”
-Asaf Tubul


by 02kar Moderator 17 Jun 2015

Thanks for a good quote. I admit, I tend to be an observer. But unlike Lillian, I would love to lose the squirrels in my back yard. they make a mess and steal the birdseed.

by lbrow 17 Jun 2015

These pesky little squirrels are all over my yard at times and her amusing to watch . Can't believe we use to eat them. Back in the early 40s granpa went squirrel and rabbit hunting occasionally in the winter and grand mother would fry up the squirrels and stew the rabbits and make rabbit dumplings. As a young child I loved eating them..Haven't had so much as a taste now in over 68 yrs. Hoping for you Gerry a wonderful week/Lillian