by radmom 15 Jun 2015

Been working on more baby items. The blanket is from Missouri Quilt Company's self binding blanket tutorial. The taggy blanket has a piece of a pretzel bag in it to make it crinkle. There's also a pacifier holder and a ruffle bottom onsie. I also made quick change, one change bags. They contain all you need for one diaper change. I made a set of seven for all the babies I'm stitching for. Those items are for my friend's new grand daughter. My niece loved the ones I gave her. The Daddy Doo-ty Apron is for her hubby. I found out at the baby shower that he has never even held a baby before. The apron designs are from Embroidery Garden, except the blobs.


by radmom 16 Jun 2015

Since several people said they liked the apron, I thought I would share the link to where you can find it. It's a freebie also!

1 comment
babash by babash 16 Jun 2015

Thank you so much. You are very kind.

by mechille 16 Jun 2015

How cute.... I wish I would have seen this Daddy apron a couple of year ago when my Son became a Daddy for the 1st. time. hehehe
That would have been really cute.
Nice job. Keep up the good work.

by pennifold 16 Jun 2015

So clever, cute and useful. Well done these are lovely gifts. Love Chris

by aussiequilter 16 Jun 2015

beautiful gifts well done

by arlene 15 Jun 2015

What a nice assortment of gifts. Love the Daddy apron.

by babash 15 Jun 2015

Wow what a lot of things you have made. Love the Daddy Apron. What a fun thing to do.

by lbrow 15 Jun 2015

You've really been a busy beaver,oh excuse me, I mean busy cutie. These are all so cute and Dad's apron wins the prize. Terrific job/Lillian

by Smokey12 15 Jun 2015

Love the daddy apron. The idea of the pretzel bag in the taggy blanket is fantastic. The sound will keep attention and playing.

1 comment
radmom by radmom 16 Jun 2015

It was driving my husband crazy.

by kalamazoo 15 Jun 2015

the daddy apron is soooooooooooooo cute! hope he dons the outfit & gets a picture with the baby.

1 comment
radmom by radmom 16 Jun 2015

I gave one to my other niece's husband a few years ago. He thought it was a funny gift. I guess their daughter had a major bow out, and he was wondering where he had stashed the apron.

by joansatx 15 Jun 2015

So much cheer here! Really great!

by noah 15 Jun 2015

excellent job on them all hugs

by pldc 15 Jun 2015

you have done very well! I love the daddy panic button a great daddy gift! ~hugs~

pldc by pldc 15 Jun 2015

The rubber glove & eye protectors & face mask ....hilarious accompaniments lol

radmom by radmom 15 Jun 2015

There's also a can of air freshener in one pocket, and a couple clean diapers and tongs in the other.

by 02kar Moderator 15 Jun 2015

What a super gift for the baby and parents. I love Daddy's apron.

by dragonflyer 15 Jun 2015

Very cute indeed!

by cfidl 15 Jun 2015

You have made some wonderful items. I especially like the quick change diaper bag idea. The apron with 2 pockets is cool also. Thanks for sharing.

1 comment
radmom by radmom 15 Jun 2015

If you look at the blown up pic of the bags, you can read what the "poem" says. Unfortunately, I didn't get a clearer pic of that.