by noah 13 Jun 2015

My poor sister has been in the hospital since early this year.She can't quit sitting on the toilet like 100 times a day.They are getting it slowed down but they think she may need a new bowel She has lost 55 pounds and they don't want her heart to quit****.If they slow it down enough maybe it will heal. Anyways***

She loves tea and i always take her a cup when i visit each week.Please pray for her.
This is Vicki's design and i hope it cheers her up .She can hang it in her bathroom there.
Thanks for LQQKING!!!Hugs Carolyn


by anitapatch 02 Aug 2016

So sorry to hear about your sister. Hope there will be any cure for her

by mechille 02 Aug 2016

Carolyn, so sorry to hear about your sister. I will keep her in my prayers. Your towel is really cute. The towel queen strikes again. :)
Vickie makes some great designs. Keep up the good work and I hope your sister will be better real soon. Mechille :)

by cfidl 31 Jul 2016

so sorry to hear about your sister, The towel is excellent and I am sure she will like it.

by devon 31 Jul 2016

Great towel will keep her in my prayers. Hugs Devon

by Barbaric 31 Jul 2016

Lovely towel, My mum had the same problem and the doctors inserted a little machine like a pace maker and is attached it to her spine and has helped her also my friend had one inserted after her bowel cancer operation.

by sharonleekesner 30 Jul 2016

Yes, prayers. Have been said and more to come. Lovely towel. I must go find my recipe for this, I can't quite locate it . Funny, I too am doing towels.

by glob69 30 Jul 2016

Great job. I am so glad your sister is better. I am sure your love and support (and gifts) helped her recover more quickly. Hugs, Gail

1 comment
noah by noah 30 Jul 2016

yes she says they did /do hugs

by katydid 29 Jul 2016

So sorry for your sister,

1 comment
noah by noah 29 Jul 2016

Shes doing well now and home:):)hugs

by bevintex 29 Jul 2016

I thought this was an old post and she had gotten better, someone just brought it to the top again. It's time for a new towel for her. maybe one of your dress toppers if you have any left

1 comment
noah by noah 29 Jul 2016

She was here at camp yesterday and got a new one thanks Bev. hugs

by arlene 29 Jul 2016

Praying for your sister for healing. She will love her towel.

1 comment
noah by noah 29 Jul 2016

thanks she still has it on her refrigerator lol

by anitas1403 29 Jul 2016

I know this story well. My bro has had constant Diarrhea for over a year.
It all started about 2 wks after a heart attack.. He got an abscessed tooth and they filled him full of anti-bionics b/4 they could the surgery 4 the tooth. This is the only reason they can figure out 'cuz he was perfectly healthy b/4. and he gained 40# of fluid when this started & can't get rid of that & they can't find anything else wrong. Says the Heart attack (3 stints) was a piece of cake. It is a Colitis but I can't remember the 1st part of it. My sympathy to her

1 comment
noah by noah 29 Jul 2016

Sounds like my sister or sure hugs

by katydid 14 Jun 2015

oh! my ! what is her condition called? I feel so sorry for her . What is the prognostics?

1 comment
noah by noah 15 Jun 2015

Well they tube feed her for a moth trying to slow it down now they say her bowel is healing and she is eating normal now.They found she can't take milk products to .There right now weaning her off all meds and they will let her go home and see how she does.

by arlene 14 Jun 2015

Praying for your sister. She will love her towel.

1 comment
noah by noah 14 Jun 2015

Thanks i hope sew hugs

by lbrow 14 Jun 2015

Sounds like Jeannie may have krohns disease Carolyn. I have a Great niece that has this. They did a colostomy to let her bowel rest and heal the inflammation. She had massive doses of steroids. She still has the Krohns but the colostomy was reversed and although she has flare ups from time to time it has never been that bad again and is controlled. Jeannie is in my prayers and willask my church to pray for her, you also for I know it is hard on you. She'll love the tea towels/Lillian

1 comment
noah by noah 14 Jun 2015

Thanks Lillian thanks for praying hugs

by peafarm 14 Jun 2015

It is so refreshing to read all these comments and for people to believe in the power of prayer. Jeannie will be in my prayers also. Governments make us out as criminals when we speak of praying and our Lord. I am Christian and Proud To Be!! Kindest Regards To ALL!!!!

lbrow by lbrow 14 Jun 2015

Welcome to the Cute Community peafarm. You are most welcome here/Lillian

noah by noah 14 Jun 2015

Thanks i to am a christian ***hugs and thanks for the prayers Carolyn

by pennyhal2 14 Jun 2015

That's a lovely project. I was thinking that these towels would make a nice bib with the ties a little longer. I might try that out.

It is very stressful having a family member so ill and in the hospital so long. Not knowing what's causing it or how to cure it gives one a feeling of hopelessness. The little things you do to support her through this are invaluable. Just knowing how much you care and that you think of her helps her and makes her day brighter. Whenever she sees her towel, she will think of you and remember how much you love her.

1 comment
noah by noah 14 Jun 2015

yes i hope so thanks hugs

by basketkase 14 Jun 2015

You are always thinking of others.......will pray for your sis!! Glad to see this design used on a towel, looks good!!

1 comment
noah by noah 14 Jun 2015

Thanks for your lovely design she would likely like the one you see the head in ??Can't recall the name???Hugs and many thinks for you awesome designs

by airyfairy 14 Jun 2015

So very sorry to hear about your sister. Must be a huge worry for you. Hugs

1 comment
noah by noah 14 Jun 2015

yes i hate it .She is always sick like our Mother and i am like our Dad never sick:):)

by michemb 14 Jun 2015

she will appreciate this, hope things improve and she gets to go home shorthly

1 comment
noah by noah 14 Jun 2015

yes i think they are getting her drugs cut down for that purpose thanks Mich.

by dididwiar 14 Jun 2015

Oh dear how awful for her. I do really hope they can help her get well.
I wish for all the best for your sister and you. xx

1 comment
noah by noah 14 Jun 2015

Thanks hugs

by kalamazoo 14 Jun 2015

Love the towel. Prayers for Jeannie & her Dr. to find out & correct her issues.

1 comment
noah by noah 14 Jun 2015

Thanks hugs

by awesome1 14 Jun 2015

We'll all be praying for your sister and keeping her in our daily thoughts. I hope the dpctors find a remedy soon--poor thing! Very pretty design on towel and she'll think of you each time she uses it.

1 comment
noah by noah 14 Jun 2015

Thanks hugs

by pennifold 14 Jun 2015

I'm so sorry your sister is having so many bowel issues. I do pray that she can be healed. Lovely design on the towel Carolyn. Love Chris

1 comment
noah by noah 14 Jun 2015

Thanks hugs

by justsew 14 Jun 2015

How sad for your Sister. she will love her towel.Praying she will be getting better every day
Hugs Pam

1 comment
noah by noah 14 Jun 2015

Thanks hugs

by marianamin2003 14 Jun 2015

Praying for your sister. You always make lovely things for people.

1 comment
noah by noah 14 Jun 2015

Thanks hugs

by lidiad 14 Jun 2015

I'm sorry for your sister, Carolyn. Hope that the doctors can help her soon. Your towel is lovely.
Hugs, Lidia

1 comment
noah by noah 14 Jun 2015

Thanks Lidia hugs

by sebsews 13 Jun 2015

These towels are adorable. I have added Jeannie and you and your family to my prayers. Please dear Lord watch over Jeannie and make her well again. Suzanna

1 comment
noah by noah 14 Jun 2015

Thanks Sue we need prayers hugs

by designgirl 13 Jun 2015

Jeannie is on my prayer list. This towel will bring her a little cheer as will seeing you. Hugs Lynn

1 comment
noah by noah 13 Jun 2015

Thanks for looking hugs

by Shyamala 13 Jun 2015

Lovely design and this sure will cheer her up.....prayers for your sister. Hugs...Shyam.

1 comment
noah by noah 13 Jun 2015

Thanks hugs

by shirley124 13 Jun 2015

Prayers for your sister and you. This towel will help to cheer her up. Hugs Shirley

1 comment
noah by noah 13 Jun 2015

yes i think sew hugs

by lucy1234 13 Jun 2015

Feel so sad for her, will be praying for her. Am sure towel will add a little cheer!!

1 comment
noah by noah 13 Jun 2015

thanks she loves my sewing hugs

by sewdeb 13 Jun 2015

It's such a lovely towel, but I'm sure your visit is a better gift! I'll add Jeannie to my prayers and you, too, dear lady! Hugs!

1 comment
noah by noah 13 Jun 2015

Thanks hugs

by pldc 13 Jun 2015

She will love it almost as much as she loves having you come to visit. She is in my prayers as are the two of you!~hugs~

1 comment
noah by noah 13 Jun 2015

Thanks Lor. hugs for you two

by jeanfoz 13 Jun 2015

Oh poor Jeannie, Hope she getter soon, Jean xx

1 comment
noah by noah 13 Jun 2015

thanks Jean i hope so to hugs