by graceandham 02 Jun 2015

6/2/15 Remodeling - After reading all the bad luck remodels that everyone has done this year, decided to tackle an easy room, well two, for just window treatments, paint and carpet to finally make the rooms mine after being here nearly 9 years. Today was the rush to finish packing up and moving out of the two rooms for the carpet layers tomorrow and in the midst of it I twisted my knee and we spent six hours chasing doctors and pain meds. It's either a very bad sprain or a torn ACL. If I get to vote, I choose the very bad sprain. So I'll be catching up on all your news tomorrow whilst I ice down my knee and stay off my feet. Lord, teach me patience and RIGHT NOW.

The best news is that the windows are done and up and the paint is done, so after tomorrow I can undo the chaos in a very slow fashion - maybe in a week!


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by cfidl edited 05 Jun 2015

Excellent! I remember doing my last room. Mine, Mother's day like 2002! My daughter and I did it all, no help from the guys, there is one spot behind a very heavy dresser that still has the old paint, but whatever! Lol! Hope your knee heals well!

1 comment
graceandham by graceandham 05 Jun 2015

It's HIS problem when ya'll want to sell the house! My carpet layers had these neat furniture sliders - one of those "As Seen On TV" items and they just glided the furniture out of the room!

by noah 03 Jun 2015

oh boy what next .You enjoy your sit for a few days ok hugs

1 comment
graceandham by graceandham 04 Jun 2015

No fun sitting when machine is upstairs. I'm thinking that climb is 1-2 weeks away.

getEdited - SELECT
by Leaha edited 03 Jun 2015

Sounds like your remodel was a success...but no where could I find the instructions for the 'knee problem' in your desire to remodel. I'm glad it's done and hope you are feeling better, take it easy and don't over do. lol

by graceandham 03 Jun 2015

Carpet is done and they are gone and I'm back on ice! Flowers for all.

by jrob Moderator 03 Jun 2015

Remodeling is so much fun........when it is finished. You take care of that knee, you're going to need it ;)

by 02kar Moderator 03 Jun 2015

Yippee on you being so close to having a 'new room' to enjoy and create in. But a huge bummer on the knee. You get my vote too for it being a sprain for what that is worth.

by lbrow 03 Jun 2015

Go easy and slow on that knee. Believe me I know. Let it get well and yes patience is the key. Have had to have athroscopy surgery on mine and had "knee replacement" yelled at me a few times but refused. I do realize if I had listened when I was young it would not be as bad now, also know how painful it can be,especially if you cannot do what you want to do so I sympathize. Glad for you and your remodeling. Know everything will look great. Take care of yourself so you can enjoy Hugs/Lillian

by laffma1 03 Jun 2015

Isn't that just so aggravating. Knowing you have a project/work to get done in a specific amount if time, and something like this happens. Hope your knee feels better soon and you can get back to your remodel.

1 comment
graceandham by graceandham 03 Jun 2015

Thank you. The project goes forward and DH is not thrilled to be "in charge" for today!

by marianb 03 Jun 2015

Hope it is just a bad sprain a torn ACL is no fun at all

1 comment
graceandham by graceandham 03 Jun 2015

Thank you. Iced it off and on through the night. Doing everything I can for it to turn out well.

by airyfairy 03 Jun 2015

Hope your knee gets better soon. Please post a picture when you have finished your remodeling

1 comment
graceandham by graceandham 03 Jun 2015

Still cant post! The paint color turned out gorgeous in the room in the morning light with the brick color at the fireplace and the colors in the treatments. Thanks.