by baydreamer 19 Aug 2013

Seeing is believing. The Patch on the left was done on organza fabric and stitched, turned out not very good. The Patch on the right, everything was done correctly, stitched on organza, then used steam a seam on the fabric, and WSS on the top of the fabric. After it was complete , still in the frame washed the WSS off and let it dry in the frame in the sun. There are 2 or the correct patches to go on slippers for a friend, now not sure how to due that.


by mlbell70 19 Aug 2013

I don't understand how you used the steam a seam, was it hooped or ironed onto the organza?

baydreamer by baydreamer 20 Aug 2013

I used the steam a seam on the back of the red fabric. It helps to stop fabric from fraying and since this was velvet stop it from stretching .

mlbell70 by mlbell70 21 Aug 2013

Thank you, that is a great tip.

by 02kar Moderator 19 Aug 2013

Amazing what a difference stabilizing makes with a design, doesn't it.

by highlandermom 19 Aug 2013

Thanks for showing. I will try to remember this one.

by oaro 19 Aug 2013

great ideas

by pldc 19 Aug 2013

This is a great example, thanks for sharing it with us. Hugs Loralye

by toogie 19 Aug 2013

Wow IT sure made a difference!

by noah 19 Aug 2013

By hand maybe sew it on lol great job hugs

1 comment
baydreamer by baydreamer 19 Aug 2013

I was thinking that but little space (where your foot goes into the slipper) I may have a curved needle somewhere. Thanks