by karenintw 11 Mar 2013

Sewing quilt I made for my 95 year old aunt, who still does hand quilting. Designs (except for quilt label) from Designs by Sick.


by castelyn 12 Mar 2013

Well done. I'm sure your Aunt is going to love it Karen - hugs Yvonne

by justonlyme 12 Mar 2013

You've done a beautiful job! I love doing quilts with every other block being embroidery. It is time consuming but the end product is just amazing. I know your aunt will positively LOVE your gift from the heart!! Great job!

by rgotter 11 Mar 2013

Beautiful! My grandmother used to hand quilt and I am lucky enough to have two that she made me. Again, this is a beautiful keepsake.

by oaro 11 Mar 2013

lovely work

by marianb 11 Mar 2013

you have made a wonderful memory for the both of you..hope we all can be a bit like your aunt and still be doing what we love at a great age.. thanks for sharing...marian

by capoodle 11 Mar 2013

She will be proud to know you made this especially just for her.

by reallyrob 11 Mar 2013

You did a wonderful job on this quilt! I will be making my first quilt very soon. I have been digitizing with a friends help a series of retro designs made into embroidery from pictures on the wall from the early 1950's. I hope mine turns out even half as good as yours did and I will be happy! I have never quilted before! :-)

1 comment
karenintw by karenintw 11 Mar 2013

I try to get a little better with each quilt I make. This time, I worked on on the binding and it was worth the effort!

by noah 11 Mar 2013

excellent she will love how we do quilts now hugs for u and her ok

by teun 11 Mar 2013

Sieht sehr gut aus

by chefin 11 Mar 2013

Very nice quilt
karen you did a Good Job
Nice Fabric

by pldc 11 Mar 2013

wow Karen this is a terrific representation of sewing! super job!

by mysew1325 11 Mar 2013

what a beautiful quilt.. I love the fabric and all the designs that you used. she will love it

by monicahall 11 Mar 2013

Great Job, A gift from the heart is always special.

by muflotex 11 Mar 2013

very pretty, good job

by highlandermom 11 Mar 2013

Love the fabric and designs. You did a great job with this quilt.

1 comment
karenintw by karenintw 11 Mar 2013

Thank you! A friend gave me the fabric and I designed the quilt around it.

by brendalea 11 Mar 2013

Love your quilt & the Embroidery designs. Great Job.
Happy Sewing Brenda Lea

1 comment
karenintw by karenintw 11 Mar 2013

Thank you.