by jerrib 13 Feb 2013

Hi Cuties: I did a practise Cupcake Potholder to go with my GD's cupcake apron. I didn't have a pattern, so this is just a practise one. I think it turned out cute.

I need your opinions and please be truthful. Should I have done the pocket fabric in blue (then I would do the base of the cupcake in Red) Or do you like the white pocket.


by rsiewert 14 Feb 2013

These are really great-maybe a red button for the potholder cherry, or a cherry button.-thanks for the inspiration

1 comment
jerrib by jerrib 15 Feb 2013

Thank you, we all inspire each other don't we.

by buffy1 14 Feb 2013

very nice i like the blue

1 comment
jerrib by jerrib 15 Feb 2013

Thank you, it is a pretty blue.

by marianb 14 Feb 2013

Love the pot holder looks beautiful.. No the white pockets lift the design I think another colour would make it to heavy..If the background fabric was lighter them maybe..don't change a thing your Gd and Daughter are going to love them the way they are..

1 comment
jerrib by jerrib 14 Feb 2013

Thank you and for your opinion. I appreciate when people are so helpful.

by ablanton 14 Feb 2013

I love the pot holder. Wished my stuff look as good as yours

1 comment
jerrib by jerrib 14 Feb 2013

The pot holder is far from perfect, it was just a test as I didn't have a pattern. I always hate making something for the first time. Once its done, then I think, " I should do this or that", but we all learn by doing.

by tauberschmitt 14 Feb 2013

sehr schön gute Faben, würde mir auch gefallen

by asterixsew Moderator 14 Feb 2013

This is beautiful work you have super material matched to the embroidery design. Excellent

1 comment
jerrib by jerrib 14 Feb 2013

Thank you, Meganne did an awesome job with the embroidery design, I just gave the picture of what I wanted.

by rachap 14 Feb 2013

I think it is perfect!

1 comment
jerrib by jerrib 14 Feb 2013

Thank you

by oaro 14 Feb 2013

nicely done

1 comment
jerrib by jerrib 14 Feb 2013

Thank you

by pldc 14 Feb 2013

I love the potholder Jerri it turned out really well & I agree the white is bold but I think the idea of adding blue ribbon(or whatever other color you pull from the cupcakes) trim around 3 sides is a great idea & it will match your potholder too, Hugs Loralye

1 comment
jerrib by jerrib 14 Feb 2013

Thank you Loralye: I appreciate all the input and help. I will see what my GD likes, it is for her, so it will be her choice.
Hugs Jerri

by meganne 14 Feb 2013

I love the pot mit Jerri, I think you've done really well for not having a pattern to go by. I wish you lived next door to me, can you imagine the fun ideas we would create together. :-))))
Love the apron too, not quite how I imagined it, but we've already discussed the other ideas and I do like the blue frame idea suggested by Mary, perhaps you could machine stitch blue ribbon around the bottom three edges, then hand stitch it down across the top and add a little blue bow in the centre??????
Hugs n love, me

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jerrib by jerrib edited 14 Feb 2013

Thankk you Meganne. I appreciate honesty. I really think the white makes your design pop out, but it is rather bold. I will take the pockets off and let my GD decide what she wants. The blue binding sounds like a good idea.
Hugs n stuff Jerri

by greysewist Moderator 14 Feb 2013

I think all of them look fabulous, Jerri. The print you've used is great! There are probably lots of colours you could use instead of the white or around the more busy fabric that'd also go well, but I think you should be really pleased with your efforts so far :) If the current opening for a hand is towards the middle, on the waved edge of the white, could you use a folded layer of fabric at the back under your hoop, which may allow a bigger space for the hand to enter?

1 comment
jerrib by jerrib edited 14 Feb 2013

Thank you, My GD picked the fabri and is perfect as they moved to the States last year, so red, white and blue. The pocket opening is at the top. I think I will unpick the pockets and see what I can do. I really wanted the cupcake applique design to stand out.

by manami 14 Feb 2013

They are beautiful Jerri! I love your potholder! Hugs, Yoriko

1 comment
jerrib by jerrib 14 Feb 2013

Thank you Yoriko, it didn't turn out to bad for not having a pattern or instructions. The real ones will be better, this was just a trial one.

by justsew 14 Feb 2013

I think they look great , the cup cake is fantastic. I think it would look nice with one row of ribbon across the top of the pocket, that would take the white square away. but it looks fine as it is.
Hugs Pam

1 comment
jerrib by jerrib 14 Feb 2013

Thank you, another good idea. I had shown the apron before, but want to show the set.

by capoodle 13 Feb 2013

The white background helps show the cupcakes on the pocket as the fabric is busy. Love how the potholder turned out.

1 comment
jerrib by jerrib 13 Feb 2013

That is what I thought when I decided to put them on fabric, but then thought the white stood out too much. I need to tweek the cupcake, this was just a practice as I have no pattern.

by highlandermom 13 Feb 2013

I love all you have done here. If it were mine I know what I would do. But your personal taste and for your GD you know best.

jerrib by jerrib 13 Feb 2013

Please, don't be afraid to give me a suggestion. I appreciate everyone's help. Read rsehorse comment and my reply, is this what you were thinking?

highlandermom by highlandermom 14 Feb 2013

Actually like I said I love every bit you have here. I would add little blue frame around outside of pocket not making pocket too big. I like the white just it does stand boldly with the pretty cupcake fabric. I have been taught well to consider others feelings and love ya even though ya don't know me from Adam as they say. I would not hurt ya for nothing. Sweet cupcake dreams and hugs from highlandermom(Mary)

jerrib by jerrib 14 Feb 2013

Hi Mary,
I have always believed in the Golden rule and have taught my kids and GK the same, but I do appreciate any ideas, tips and advise that others can offer, so you wouldn't hurt my feelings, after all I did ask.
I never thought of doing a blue border frame. I just might think about it. I will see what my GD thinks and go from there.
Hugs Jerri

meganne by meganne 14 Feb 2013

Hmmm? Now that is a great suggestion Mary.
I didn't think of that either Jerri.
I love reading other people's suggestions as some people really are imaginative. :-)

by rsehorse 13 Feb 2013

Jeri, I like the potholder. I made some these a couple years ago. I think the pockets would be cute if you used cupcakes (big ones like the potholder) for the pockets. Then stitch them on leaving one side open to create the pocket. They are neat looking the way they are but the white is quite bold. Hugs, Susan

jerrib by jerrib 13 Feb 2013

Hi Susan:Thank you for your input. Your idea was my intention, but I am limited to a 4x4 hoop and it was just too small for a hand to fit it.The apron fabric is also very busy so I thought the cupcakes alone as you mentioned would just get lost, so I asked Meganneto do the design for me and I love it, so wanted to use it. I thought the white was a little bold also. Hugs Jerri.

meganne by meganne 14 Feb 2013

Hi Susan, this design has to be done in two 4x4 hoopings because the total design size is 4.16" x 5.74" without the cherry on top. It was Jerri's idea and I think she is quite game to try doing these split designs because of her hoop size limitations. Her ideas are always a challenge for me, which is something I really enjoy. :-)))
Gee Jerri, imagine what we could create if you DID have a larger hoop??? The sky would be the limit.

by myfantasia 13 Feb 2013

really nice

1 comment
jerrib by jerrib 13 Feb 2013

Thank you

by noah 13 Feb 2013

I like the white .I also love the pot holder u are doing an excellent job :):)

1 comment
jerrib by jerrib 13 Feb 2013

Thanks Carolyn.

by mysew1325 13 Feb 2013

very cute... you did a great job.

by jerrib 13 Feb 2013

I should have mentioned, that your hand fits inside the icing part. I do need to make it bigger.