by buanlester 05 Sep 2009

I'm experimenting with colors and decided to try this color and see if it will look good.


by lflanders 09 Sep 2009

I love these colors/shades together! You did a great job! I do wish you had not posted where they came from...heehee I have become addicted to that place. It all started with the free designs and then the designs on sale each week but then my eyes and fingers/mouse began to search out everything and I found some of the most beautiful designs I have ever seen. I love all the wild life with the embedded designs in the backgroung, like the wolfs,deer and the buffalo etc. I can not afford to buy designs right now with all my medical bills and living off of disability but son actually bought me several the last couple of weeks. I think he is hoping it will get me back on my machines. He only got a couple each time and the ones on sale but I did get the beautiful wishing well along with a couple more that week. I still want the tea pot with the flowers in it with the little creature on the ground beside it. By the time I talked him into buying me a design, that one was not on sale and he would not get it. I am going to try to do the wishing well on a piece of canvase looking material and framing it for his and Gail's 1st anniversary in 10 days. I need to get off this computer and on the Ellageo! I also have a Thomas Kinkade print that I am going to frame for them. Gail loves T.K. as much as I do! I gave them one for Christmas and she loved it! It had the wrong color mat in it for her master bedroom so I am going to have to try to find a burgandy mat for this one if it will match. It is packed up and I am going to have to pull it out to see if it will match. I bought 5 prints at one time when I was still working and only kept one for myself. The other ones have been gifts. This is the last one. It is still in the original packing so the move did not hurt it a bit. I was very careful not to let anyone else pack the expensive things even though I was not able to pack much. I have a ceramic music box that has an old lady on top in a flower garden. I bought 2 of those when I got them. She is the spitting image of my Daddy's Mamma. I gave one to one of her daughters(my Aunt) for Christmas and shocked the whole family. The other one I kept and I guard her very carefully. It is just like someone used my granny for the model. She was a tiny little thing, wrinkled and always had on an apron. She had long white hair and wore it in a
bun all the time. She worked hard until the day she died. Of course she was crazy as a loon before she passed away but she had alzheimers and alot of other problems. She did not have a clue who we were 99% of the time but someone was always with her and she was dolcile until she wanted to go to the store for a coke or cut the grass. There was never a dull moment. They put her in a nursing home but she was so bad they ask the family to take her home. She was not bad at home. She was sure they were trying to kill her at the home. She was in her 90's. That woman got married at 13 and had my Dad at 15 and then had 5 more. She was born in 1900 and my Dad was born in 1915. Grandpa was a sharecropper until he got a job with the railroad and we think we have a hard time now. I don't remember very much about him because I was so young when he passed away. Sorry, did not mean to rattle on but got cought up in a memory. My granny was a sport and the best cook that ever walked this earth. She could make a wonderful meal from what seemed like nothing. Her fried liver in gravy taste like cube steak! I never ate another piece of liver in my life but hers! Her biscuits would melt in your mouth! Turnips and cornbread cooked in the oven, along with peas and corn from the garden. Tomatoes in my grits, still like it today! That woman was Paula Deen with nothing to cook with! Blackberry preserves I ate with a spoon out of the jar. Only thing I will put on my bread today! Dark peas and white butterbeans with slimy orka and cornbread and tomatoes. I ate this as almost a baby. Last but not least, a homemade German Chocolate cake for my birthday every year until they took her out of the kitchen. She was also a woman of great character. She raised all her children right and started on Diane and myself. My cousin and I were 3 months apart in age and we fought like sisters until we were just about grown. She tore our tails up daily when we were together! We are like sisters now!

by marjialexa Moderator 07 Sep 2009

Good experiment, it looks great! Hugs, Marji

by jrob Moderator 07 Sep 2009

It looks lovely. It is very well done.;)

by jrob Moderator 07 Sep 2009

It looks lovely. It is very well done.;)

by tindo 07 Sep 2009


by michelej 07 Sep 2009

Beautiful on the blue towel!!

by castelyn 06 Sep 2009

Looks great, well done *4u

by ramona 06 Sep 2009

That turned out very nice. I love that color on there!

by sira 06 Sep 2009

Beautiful, this is from Emblibrary ...

by lrichardson 06 Sep 2009

Beautiful, where did you find the design? I collect rose designs.

by shirlener88 06 Sep 2009

Very lovely - where is this design from - it looks familair. *4U

by designgirl 06 Sep 2009

Pretty on the blue.

by dkjack 05 Sep 2009

Looks very pretty!

1 comment
buanlester by buanlester 06 Sep 2009

thank you dkjack.

by waterlily 05 Sep 2009

It looks great!

1 comment
buanlester by buanlester 06 Sep 2009

thanks waterlily.