getEdited - SELECT
by sara 07 Jan 2007

I like to do pleasant gifts my near people not only on holidays. On Christmas all my friends got such likable gifts. Very pleased all. We conducted christmas days merrily. To do such things very much easily. I`m sure, you`ll do yet better with adorable designs from I`ll be thankful, if anybody will be divided the ideas, will show the works with embroidery.


by lbrow 14 Sep 2008

Very nice gifts, Sara especially if the bottle of champagne is included. Cute has many wonderful designs & I' think U will be happy with all of them. Welcome to the cute fmly, & hope U'll hang around for a long, long time for we r the best the internet has to offer. *

by adelmarie 08 Sep 2008

they look just perfect, very nice *2U

by tabsolom 08 Sep 2008

What a wonderful way to add a bit of zing to the old bubbly bottle, well done....

by gerryvb 08 Sep 2008

that's a great way to decorate the champagne !!!

by dgrammy 08 Sep 2008

cute idea

by sewsewgood 08 Sep 2008

great they look good

by stickmuster 08 Sep 2008

very nice christmas present, flower for you

by mariahail 08 Sep 2008

What a nice presents are this going to be,good idea!****

by persiancatlover 08 Sep 2008

something verry special but verry beautifull

by sanjoy51 06 Feb 2008

what a great idea, I love the embroidery designs, they look terriffic. Good thought with not having a bottom this would make them quick and easy to make. Well done. Sandra from Australia

by dblanc1 05 Feb 2008

Very nice gifts. Embroidery is awesome.

by persiancatlover 24 Nov 2007


by dianaesto 29 Jul 2007

verry lovely, dit you make the bags your self?
greatings from holland

by sorval 26 Jul 2007

wow sara you are verry good whit what you make its verry good
where c

by mousemamma13 17 Mar 2007

Very cute and festive

1 comment
adelmarie by adelmarie 08 Sep 2008

Welcome to cute!

by sara 13 Jan 2007

I did these things and gave my friends. it isn`t bag. it has form of p

by jude3944 13 Jan 2007

these are great!!!Love the bags where do they come from?

1 comment
adelmarie by adelmarie 08 Sep 2008

Welcome to our community! You will love it here