by grammapt 12 Oct 2008

This was done as a quilt block for someone whose son has cancer. The whole family was making a block and she wanted the Serenity Prayer on her block. She brought me a picture of the finished quilt and we both got teary eyed when she was telling me about how proud of the quilt her son is. Family members from all over sent blocks to his daughter and she put the quilt together for him. They were all blue and white, and the center block was yellow. It was a blessing to be a part of this project.


by lbrow 14 Oct 2008

What a wonderful idea & I love the serenity prayer *

1 comment
grammapt by grammapt 15 Oct 2008

Thanks! I was so happy to be a part of this project. *

by grannyo 13 Oct 2008

Such a beautiful block. wtg

1 comment
grammapt by grammapt 15 Oct 2008

They picked out such a great combination. Thanks! *

by clawton 13 Oct 2008

Nice verse.

1 comment
grammapt by grammapt 13 Oct 2008

Thank you *

by simplyrosie 13 Oct 2008

This is quite touching... nice job.

1 comment
grammapt by grammapt 13 Oct 2008

Thanks for the comment. *

by michelej 13 Oct 2008

Oh, just beautiful!!!

1 comment
grammapt by grammapt 13 Oct 2008

Thank you! *

by mops Moderator 13 Oct 2008

This is lovely and the quilt must have been unique!

1 comment
grammapt by grammapt 13 Oct 2008

Thanks. A lot of love went into the quilt. *

by shirleysisson 13 Oct 2008

This is lovely. *4U

1 comment
grammapt by grammapt 13 Oct 2008

Thanks! *

by sandralochran 13 Oct 2008

It is so throughfull Love it .3 members of my family passed away with cancer with in 3 yrs A girlfriend 2 weeks ago

1 comment
grammapt by grammapt 13 Oct 2008

Thank you. I am sorry for your loss. *

by annmounce 12 Oct 2008

This is a precious project.

1 comment
grammapt by grammapt 13 Oct 2008

Thanks *

by jrob Moderator 12 Oct 2008

What a blessing you must have gotten from participating. You did a beautiful job on the block.

1 comment
grammapt by grammapt 13 Oct 2008

I was, and am very blessed! *

by mariahail 12 Oct 2008

This is a very touching story for many reasons, I so proud of you for doing this block ****

1 comment
grammapt by grammapt 13 Oct 2008

It was an honor to be a part of the project. Thanks! *

by sarahrose 12 Oct 2008

I love this, a flower for you.

1 comment
grammapt by grammapt 13 Oct 2008

Thank you. *

by sllakin 12 Oct 2008

I'm sure the quilt is a great comfort to him. Your prayer turned out just lovely!

1 comment
grammapt by grammapt 12 Oct 2008

Thanks so much! *

by nonna57 12 Oct 2008

This is a lovely quote & i pray that it helps your friend.

1 comment
grammapt by grammapt 12 Oct 2008

Thank you, it has already been a blessing to the whole family. *

by shirlener88 12 Oct 2008

Wow Peggy - what a wonderful block and memory you created - where did you get the prayer - it is one of my favorites. Great work! I would love to see a picture of the finished quilt, too. Shirlene

grammapt by grammapt 12 Oct 2008

Thanks!! She was very pleased. I used two different fonts from my machine to create the block. It took two hoopings. *

shirlener88 by shirlener88 12 Oct 2008

Oh my - so you created it - that makes it even better - wonderful work.

sarahrose by sarahrose 12 Oct 2008

would you share it with us?