by basketkase 13 Sep 2023

Hi all.....have a challenging past few days.....on Monday thought I was going to faint, then the room kept going from left to right even though I felt like my eyes were looking straight, extreme nausea, then a migraine set in, so looks like this is gonna be a new phase of migraine for me....has taken me til today to finally be stable on my feet....but still a mild headache....ugh! Anyway, got these stitched out last night with the help of my assistant, Jim of course, and he took the pics for me last night....I am so blessed! These are Mum Sketch #1-3 (no jumps),Mandel Owl virtually no jumps), Halloween His&Hers1, Halloween His&Hers2, Heaven Fields and Owl Fam.....all are up on my website now...


by sonjapotgieter 15 Sep 2023

Wishing you Speedy recovery of Headache..Gorgeous Designs!!

by shonna 14 Sep 2023

Nice designs ! Just a thought........ Maybe try taking Vitamin B2 100 mg and Vitamin D3. Since I have been taking on a daily basis, no more Migraines ! Again..... just a thought.

1 comment
basketkase by basketkase 16 Sep 2023

Hi Shonna.......thanks for the suggestions, I take all this plus magnesium. I get my migraine botox shots every 3 months and they have been my saving grace, however this past month has been like before they started working for me. Don't know if the changing of the season is triggering or what....will discuss with my neuro end of October for sure!

by dailylaundry 13 Sep 2023

These designs are so cool! Please feel better - you are amazing! Hugs, Laura

1 comment
basketkase by basketkase 14 Sep 2023

Awww, thank you Laura!

by 02kar Moderator 13 Sep 2023

Oh Vicki, my heart goes out to you. I’m surprised to were able to anything done. Please be careful. Falls aren’t fun. Somehow, in spite of your struggles, you have wonderful designs to show off.

1 comment
basketkase by basketkase 14 Sep 2023

As always you have wisdom in your words.....Jim followed me around afraid I would topple was so scary, never had the room move from left to right like that while I thought I was looking straight.....I wish I knew if my eyes were shifting rapidly.....I will be definately talking to my neurologist at my next appt end of next month.....

by noah 13 Sep 2023

some cute designs vicki will pray 4 you:):)

1 comment
basketkase by basketkase 14 Sep 2023

Thanks my friend...