by noah 05 Mar 2023

Finished #2 Reverseable Quilt Just have the label to put on it .The third one is in the making then John asked for a cell phone holder 4 his belt.Made 5 a few years ago.Kept one as a pattern.

Broke 3 machines this past week:(:(My industrail one broke a belt .Neighbour fixed that .Then designer Topaz jumped the track or rail on the arm.Took it apart and fixed that. Now Epic broke a wee tab off the arm as it sat to long on the arm i guess .I was suprised when i opened it .I kept it in a mans suit cover up .So no dirt or dust got on it .
Was thinking in bed .Those white ties might hold it togeather nicely .Will try it next week ANYHOW thanks for LQQKING :):) Oh yes this is a Quilt as you go Quit .


by peafarm 07 Mar 2023

Carolyn, I just love those little girls and how you've arranged your quilt. No doubt, you are a go getter girl. I am the lazy rat. I just love it. Glad you got your machines fixed before having to trust someone else. I don't trust the son of the owner of the shop in my area. I think he'd break something else just so I'd buy a new machine from his mom. Sad to say but true.

1 comment
noah by noah 08 Mar 2023

Oh that sucks .Thanks my Pea Farmer xx

by worthy 06 Mar 2023

Lovely quilt and neat idea that it stitches on back in reverse.
WOW like others I'm sorry for your machine problems and am amazed to know you are fixing them.
Great job on 'everything' no keeping you down.

1 comment
noah by noah 06 Mar 2023

You got it :):)

by sewpam 06 Mar 2023

So very pretty. The sashing is perfect for this quilt.

1 comment
noah by noah 06 Mar 2023

Thanks very much hugs xx

by sebsews 06 Mar 2023

Great job on the quilt! Wow 3 broken machines and you fixed them! I would be in a panic if my machines broke.

1 comment
noah by noah 06 Mar 2023

Well here we half to drive miles so we do what we can before we go to the fixer

by Nicky602 06 Mar 2023

Hi Carolyn,
Gorgeous as always!

Nicely done!!

Lots love

1 comment
noah by noah 06 Mar 2023

Thanks Nicky hugs4u2

by sonjapotgieter 06 Mar 2023

Gorgeous quilt completed!!

1 comment
noah by noah 06 Mar 2023

Thanks Sonja :):)

by 02kar Moderator 06 Mar 2023

Very nice quilt. Thank goodness you were able to fix the machines. I know you can't stay still for long, so you need your machines in good working order.

1 comment
noah by noah 06 Mar 2023

You got that right one day when i hit 90 i will slow down lol (maybe)

by pennifold 06 Mar 2023

Wow! Carolyn, there's no stopping you! I am impressed you could fix your own machines when broken!! Congratulations on finishing off your quilts. Love Chris

1 comment
noah by noah 06 Mar 2023

Got one more to do it is hald done lol thanks Chris hugs xx

by basketkase 05 Mar 2023

So sweet, Carolyn....

1 comment
noah by noah 05 Mar 2023

Thanks my friend hugs xx