by basketkase 06 Feb 2023

Hi All.......Our weather here has been gorgeous after that triple threat of ice storms last week....we feel so blessed to make it through all that without losing electric. Here are some designs I worked on and thought the owl ones would be great for guys, too......these are BWOwl#1&2, then Cat Go and Dog Go......these will all be up on my website tonight.......


by pennifold 08 Feb 2023

Hi Vicki, these are gorgeous, love the expression on the owls' faces! Love Chris

by sebsews 07 Feb 2023

Nice designs! Glad you made it through the storms. Did you know, January avian birth month is an owl. I usually do an embroidery of the bird of the month, or birth flower and some gemstones. Spring is on its way!

1 comment
basketkase by basketkase 08 Feb 2023

No, did not know that.....I love learning new things everyday!

by noah 07 Feb 2023

I used to say that when we had Mr. Peeko and sometimes only John went .But i didn't care he was such a joy to have :):)10 years to short of a life:(:(
Your designs are lovely as always hugs xx

1 comment
basketkase by basketkase 08 Feb 2023


by sonjapotgieter 07 Feb 2023


by sewtired 06 Feb 2023

Glad your weather has changed for the better. The designs are as usual quite nice, but are my eyes wonky or does the dog one actually say "bog"?

graceandham by graceandham 06 Feb 2023

I had the same disturbing thought. I think it's just a funky capital letter D.

sewtired by sewtired 06 Feb 2023

I think you are probably right.

basketkase by basketkase 07 Feb 2023

Yes, just a fat capital D...

sewtired by sewtired 08 Feb 2023

I see now :)

by dragonflyer 06 Feb 2023

Glad you made it through the storms..... great job on these, Vicki

1 comment
basketkase by basketkase 06 Feb 2023
