by cfidl 03 Sep 2022

This FSL piece turned out better than expected. First I put the piece in epoxy by making a mold and submerging it. Then I put the lights in epoxy. Not sure what else I can do with it.


by stork 04 Sep 2022

Wow! Definitely different, but really love it!

1 comment
cfidl by cfidl 05 Sep 2022

Thank you!

by sonjapotgieter 04 Sep 2022


1 comment
cfidl by cfidl 05 Sep 2022

Thanks so much!

by asterixsew Moderator 04 Sep 2022

Definitely thinking outside the box with your interesting work. well done and lets see who tries this next

1 comment
cfidl by cfidl 05 Sep 2022

That would be fine.. I have new aspirations.

by 02kar Moderator 04 Sep 2022

I agree with Chris, it is perfect for Easter. Keep having fun with the FSL and epoxy. I'm loving your epoxy experiments.

1 comment
cfidl by cfidl 05 Sep 2022

Thank you, I can only do this until it gets cold as I do it outside.

by pennifold 03 Sep 2022

Looks great Chris, I'd mount it on the front door when Easter comes round. You are having fun experimenting with the epoxy. Love Chris

1 comment
cfidl by cfidl 05 Sep 2022

It has been fun! The colors and the mixing is much like cooking.