by dragonflyer 16 Oct 2021

An Elephant Stuffie for Miss Arabella to go with her other elephant theme baby items...and Pink & Grey to match the nursery... I love the way this came out, and it's slobber proof. Hope she has a "ball" playing with this... Thanks for looking Cuties!


by justonlyme 20 Oct 2021

Are ITH stuffies easier to put together than the old fashioned "sew it with a pattern" type? I have always wondered that, and always made stuffies the old fashioned way. Your little elephant is positively adorable!

dragonflyer by dragonflyer edited 21 Oct 2021

Thank you...I find that ITH stuffies are much easier to construct than most done on a regular sewing machine...I have also digitized many ITH stuffies and once the engineering is developed and instructions written, they stitch out very easily for others.

justonlyme by justonlyme 21 Oct 2021

Good to know! Thank you!!

by blueeyedblonde 20 Oct 2021

So cute!! Another great job, Kim!

1 comment
dragonflyer by dragonflyer 20 Oct 2021

Oh, thanks, Linda....

by airyfairy 19 Oct 2021

Kim, this is just one of the cutest things I have ever seen. Remarkable.

1 comment
dragonflyer by dragonflyer 20 Oct 2021

Awww, thanks Sarah...that is so sweet of you to say.

by sebsews edited 18 Oct 2021

Adorable for adorable Arabella!

1 comment
dragonflyer by dragonflyer 18 Oct 2021

Thanks so much...

by toogie 17 Oct 2021

How cute!

1 comment
dragonflyer by dragonflyer 17 Oct 2021

Thanks, Toogie!

by hoplessnz 17 Oct 2021

love it how do you make it slobber proof ??????

dragonflyer by dragonflyer 17 Oct 2021

Well, they are made with polar fleece which can be laundered in the washing machine and then put in the dryer...all of the thread is bleach proof as well... so slobber proof because they can be thrown into the washer and dryer whenever necessary without hurting the stuffie.

hoplessnz by hoplessnz 18 Oct 2021

Thanks for explanation I never thought of it that way.

by peafarm 17 Oct 2021

Ah! She will have a 'ball' with this. Looks so soft and cuddly-great job of it as always.

1 comment
dragonflyer by dragonflyer 17 Oct 2021

Thank you, Patti...

by noah 17 Oct 2021

Love them hugs xx

1 comment
dragonflyer by dragonflyer 17 Oct 2021

Thanks, Carolyn.....

by pennifold 17 Oct 2021

Makes you want to smile every time I look at it, it's gorgeous Kim. Love Chris

1 comment
dragonflyer by dragonflyer 17 Oct 2021

Thanks, Chris!

by babash 16 Oct 2021

The best thing about this Elephant is the Smile. Just makes you feel good looking at it. The rest of course is just perfect but that smile just got me.

Bubs will love it and the fact that it is slobber proof is a bonus.

1 comment
dragonflyer by dragonflyer 16 Oct 2021

Thanks, Barb...slobber proof is always a bonus!

by dailylaundry 16 Oct 2021

This is so very cute! I bet you digitized this - it is a wonderful baby toy for Arabella (love that name)! Well done!

1 comment
dragonflyer by dragonflyer 16 Oct 2021

Thanks, Laura... I had not heard of her name before but I think it is beautiful...

by sewtired 16 Oct 2021

Kim, I agree with the others, I love it. It is absolutely adorable. May I assume that you digitized this yourself?

by crafter2243 Moderator 16 Oct 2021

Absolutely cute. Love the last picture. It made me smile. I am sure she will have fun with it.

1 comment
dragonflyer by dragonflyer 16 Oct 2021

Thanks, Angie!

by sonjapotgieter 16 Oct 2021

Too Cute!!!Lovable Cuddly Toy!!!Beautiful!!!

1 comment
dragonflyer by dragonflyer 16 Oct 2021

Thank you, Sonja...

by 02kar Moderator 16 Oct 2021

I love it! And for what it is worth, I think the colors are soothing.

1 comment
dragonflyer by dragonflyer 16 Oct 2021

Thank you, Karen.... I think pink and grey are lovely for a baby girl's room and accessories too!