by carolpountney 01 Oct 2021

My rope bowl with fsl butterfly from stitch delight. I could not find the correct rope so made my own with string and french knitting made with 14 meters of french knitting while watching TV in the evenings all in all I made 21 meters using 9 x40 meter balls of string. It turned out okay


by dlonnahawkins 30 Nov 2023

Beautiful job. And love the butterfly touch.

by dragonflyer 28 Nov 2023

I did miles of this when I was a young girl...wooden spool with four nails and I was a star in my own mind! Great job and great nostalgia for me...

by Midnight1 28 Nov 2023

Thank you for the reminder. Enjoy going through old posts. I called it knobby knitting

by peafarm 02 Oct 2021

This is so lovely--I don't know what french knitting is but you sure found a beautiful way of doing this project. Something for me to Google I guess.

carolpountney by carolpountney 02 Oct 2021

Thank you .. years ago we nailed 4 nails in a wooden cotton reel and used wool and a small knitting needle to make miles of rope like length.. cant remember what we used it for thiugh

graceandham by graceandham 29 Nov 2023

Placemats, chair mats, small rugs. My grandfather made my knitting spool for me and my grandmother taught me how to use it. A sweet memory. I think the old spool is somewhere in with my sewing machine parts and tools.

by noah 02 Oct 2021

Well this is really really lovely A+ hugsxx

1 comment
carolpountney by carolpountney 02 Oct 2021

Thank you

by toogie 02 Oct 2021

Very smart of you! I love the delicate butterfly and SD designs. You did magnificent with the butterfly and the bowl. I can’t find the cotton rope here either or I would have tried these bowls before now. I don’t knit but think you are genius to make your own.

carolpountney by carolpountney 02 Oct 2021

Hi Toogie thanks for the kind words I had to think of something to get it out of my system now have quite of few meters over will have to make a square bowl next

Midnight1 by Midnight1 28 Nov 2023

Really enjoy going through old post. Forgot about this technic. I called it knobby knitting. Thanks for reminder.

by mops Moderator 02 Oct 2021

Never heard of French knitting. Seeing the bowl I guess it's what we used to do on a wooden thread spool where dad hammered in 4 nails or what's called I-cord nowadays?

Anyway, your bowl looks great!

1 comment
toogie by toogie 03 Oct 2021

Mops, look at her reply to peafarm above. ..I'm glad you understand, I am still dumbfounded. Maybe google knows. They say google knows everything-lol

by bevnorris 02 Oct 2021

OKAY???!!! It is brilliant!! Making your own rope by French knitting is a great idea. How enterprising of you? The bowl is a wonderful success and looks lovely. Congratulations!!

1 comment
carolpountney by carolpountney 02 Oct 2021

Thank you

by hightechgrammy 01 Oct 2021

Where do I learn how to do these? Love it!

1 comment
carolpountney by carolpountney 02 Oct 2021

Thanks for your kind words ... I must admit I did go on utube to refresh my mind as to how the start. But it came back quite quickly

by hightechgrammy 01 Oct 2021

It turned out beautifully! Gorgeous! Would you please make one for me! LOL

1 comment
carolpountney by carolpountney 02 Oct 2021

With pleasure

by pennifold 01 Oct 2021

Hi Carol, it has turned out perfectly and it will hold lots of goodies, I'm sure. Love Chris

1 comment
carolpountney by carolpountney 02 Oct 2021

Thank you have quite a lot over will make a square one next I believe the square shape is a bit more difficult ..

by asterixsew Moderator 01 Oct 2021

Very impressive work. I think that you have created a first for Cute in making your rope as well as the rest

1 comment
carolpountney by carolpountney 01 Oct 2021

thank you I also need to keep hands busy while watching TV in the evenings that does not require to much concentration

by dailylaundry 01 Oct 2021

I love this - it looks wonderful! One day, I will try to make a rope bowl!! Hugs!

1 comment
carolpountney by carolpountney 01 Oct 2021

Thank you for the kind words

by sonjapotgieter 01 Oct 2021

Well great Job you done!!! It is Beautiful!!!

by cj2sew 01 Oct 2021

Oh my! This will become your favorite bowl. I remember twisting rope as a young child, but never did I make the rope. Really beautiful and extra special.

by 02kar Moderator 01 Oct 2021

I'd say it turned out much better than OK. I love the texture of your rope. I hope you make many more of these bowls. They are beautiful.

1 comment
carolpountney by carolpountney 01 Oct 2021

I have about another 25 metres of the rope so will try a square bowl next

by dragonflyer 01 Oct 2021

Nicely done, Carol!

1 comment
carolpountney by carolpountney 01 Oct 2021

thank you

by crafter2243 Moderator 01 Oct 2021

What a great idea and the result looks fantastic. What kind of material did you use to create the cord?

carolpountney by carolpountney 01 Oct 2021

the cord is string which I made using French knitting

crafter2243 by crafter2243 01 Oct 2021

I know about French knitting just wondered if you had used crochet cotton or what the string was made of.

toogie by toogie 02 Oct 2021

I am curious as well, although I don’t knit.