by pennifold ( edited 24 Jul 2021 ) 23 Jul 2021

As Caroline asked if anyone was doing any sewing, I told her I had been and would post today so here they are.

I started off without a name then decided to add names. These are from Molly Mine made in the 200x360 (16 x 9 inch inner hoop measurement 23cm x 41cm). These are for my annual Christmas Ladies luncheon. I hope they like them. They take about 2 hours to make and are fully lined. They will hold a few small objects. Finished size is 7.5 x 11.5 inches about 19 x 29 cm. I love this design and may end up making some for the littlest grandchildren. Love Chris


by pennyhal2 03 Aug 2021

They'll love these! A nice size too.

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 05 Aug 2021

Thanks Penny, ye, they are really cute. Love Chris

by airyfairy 03 Aug 2021

There is a huge amount of work in these. They are just too beautiful.

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 05 Aug 2021

Thanks Sarah, yes, they took a lot of time, I'm glad you appreciated them. Love Chris

by dilceia 25 Jul 2021


1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 25 Jul 2021

Hi Dilceia, thank you my friend and so lovely to see your smiling face back on here. Love Chris

by sonjapotgieter 25 Jul 2021

So Gorgeous!!!Great work done

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 25 Jul 2021

Thanks so much Sonja, love Chris

by babash 24 Jul 2021

Someone sure has been busy. This cold weather really makes you want to get busy on the Christmas sewing doesn't it.

They all look really lovely and very festive. Love them all.

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 24 Jul 2021

Thanks Barb, yes, it's good to get this sort of stuff done now before our heat sets in. So looking forward to Spring, but never Summer! Love Chris

by toogie 24 Jul 2021

Very nice Chris! Christmas will be here before we know it but not easy to think about Christmas in all this heat we are experiencing.😓

babash by babash 24 Jul 2021

It is cold here at the moment but come Christmas it will be sticky hot so have to get in while the weather is good.

pennifold by pennifold 24 Jul 2021

Thanks Toogie, and I can understand how you feel sewing in the heat. I usually come out here in my back room where the air conditioner is and sew with that on in the summer. During the winter I don't like the hot air, so have a oil filled heater which just keeps the room warm! Love Chris

by brendalea 24 Jul 2021

So sweet. Great job on them. Happy Stitching :-)

by dragonflyer 24 Jul 2021

Great job, Chris... I know the ladies will be thrilled to get them..

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 24 Jul 2021

Thanks Kim, I do hope so. Love Chris

by basketkase 24 Jul 2021

My goodness Chris...these are amazing!

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 24 Jul 2021

Thanks so much, I appreciate comments like that especially from you. You are always digitising. Love Chris

by 02kar Moderator 24 Jul 2021

I'm glad to see you are managing do get in some stitching. The stockings are lovely and cheerful will bring smiles to the faces of each recipient.

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 24 Jul 2021

Thanks so much Karen, I do hope so. Love Chris

by noah 24 Jul 2021

Love them you been hard at it lol hugsxx

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 24 Jul 2021

Hi Caroline, yes, I've been grabbing time whenever I'm free, which these days is very limited!! he he he. Love Chris

by asterixsew Moderator 24 Jul 2021

Super work Chris. We’re in the middle of a heatwave in the UK. Probably a spring day temp for you! Therefore I’m finding it difficult to think about Christmas. I always admire your forward planning. Thanks for sharing your work with us.

pennifold by pennifold 24 Jul 2021

Thanks Caroline, yes, I saw on television that England was in heatwave conditions. Those temperatures are nothing for us down here in Australia though!!!! We often get days in the 40's Celsius! I remember coming back from Europe 3 years ago at Christmas leaving the freezing cold and arriving here in Newcastle to 45C!! It was DREADFUL!!! Love Chris

asterixsew by asterixsew 24 Jul 2021

Wales also has had a heatwave so far the top UK temp has been 31 and that was recorded 20 miles away. 45 doesnt bear thinking about. Property isnt built here for such temperatures. Our house is 170 years old and has very thick walls so we havnt had the very hot houses that many have had. Freezing to 45c is different

by shirley124 23 Jul 2021

So beautiful. Hugs

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 24 Jul 2021

Thanks so much Shirley, I love anything Christmas themed. Love Chris

by dailylaundry 23 Jul 2021

Oh, these are so festive! Your friends will love them! Well done! Hugs, Laura

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 24 Jul 2021

Thanks Kim, I appreciate your comment. Love Chris

by crafter2243 Moderator 23 Jul 2021

Perfect for your luncheon. I bet those ladies are waiting anxiously all year for that event. I would

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 24 Jul 2021

Hi Angie, Thanks and I know they look forward to what I'll come up with! Love Chris