by meganne 23 Dec 2017

Santa Milk n Cookies Mat

With sincere thanks to Toogie for her inspiration and instructions.
The Santa (211206) is from Amazing, The GB Man from Charming Station, the text is Pumpkin Spice Font from Oh My Crafty Supplies.

I was so delighted with myself getting this finished today, in time to give to my GK's on Christmas eve, until I asked my son if it was ok to give it to them and was absolutely gutted when he said NO!

Evidently my 4 beautiful grand kids have been told that Santa Claus is a game other people play but not for them. My son is a Minister so I'll abide by his wishes but I think this is taking religion too far.

OH well, at least I made it, after having spinal surgery only 10 days ago.

I gave it and the Santa Magic Key, to the three little kiddies, visiting with their dad, next door. They loved them and their Dad was so appreciative it made me cry.


by sllakin 30 Dec 2017

OH what a wonderful story about the children next door receiving these! I hope you get along fine and recover quickly from your spinal surgery! Bless you and Happy New Year to you!

by toogie 28 Dec 2017

I think it turned out wonderful! I LOVE the gold stitching!
As I get older, I understand your sons reasoning. If we teach the kids to believe in both Santa and Christ/God, then they find out when they're older there is no Santa, they may question the reality of Christ/God.
BUT I also know we were taught both and we turned out ok, so I guess I have mixed feelings.
You handled it well even though you didn't give it to the ones you made it for. You respected your sons wishes and your grandkids were unaware so they weren't hurt. Then by your deeply generous heart you really brought joy to a family. The dad may not have thought or had much in the way of decorating/ celebrating with the kids. It worked out well in the end and your heart was warmed by your neighbors reaction.
Your heart was in the right place and so is your gift-LoveToogie

by Eilis 27 Dec 2017

You did a great job, the project looks so cute Santa just makes me smile and your neighbours children have had the pleasure of your hard work. i hope you make a speedy recovery to good health and continue to spread the joy offf your work.
Happy new Year

by pennifold 27 Dec 2017

Sorry to read this Meg, but those little kids would be thrilled with your gifts and it sounds like Dad was too. Love Chris

by bejoscha 26 Dec 2017

Very nice, well done

by crazypatchmama 26 Dec 2017

Beautiful. Am glad you had this father who appreciated what you did. You made some other children happy!!!

by sandralane 26 Dec 2017

Even though you may not agree Meganne still you must respect your sons wishes. You may be disappointed, however you have made some little ones very happy with your kind gifts beautifully made I am sure they shall be treasured from such a kind lady.

by Shisha 25 Dec 2017

I agree that yr son is taking the religion too far. Sure glad that the neighbors appreciated yr beautiful work!

by sewtired 24 Dec 2017

Lovely gifts. Heartbreaking story, yet heartwarming ending. Bless you.

by katydid 23 Dec 2017

great job!

by stork 23 Dec 2017

These are so wonderful!!!! Thankfully my children let the grands believe. You did a wonderful job on these....sure hope you can share them with the kids while they are at your house. Merry Christmas!

by barba 23 Dec 2017

They are absolutely wonderful Meganne. I am so happy you found a loving home for them. Merry Christmas with Hugs, Barba

by Sewmum1 23 Dec 2017

Sorry to hear about your grandchildren, it must have been heartbreaking not being able to see their little faces light up.
You have done a great job with the mat and key and your small act of kindness for your neighbour's children will bring them so much joy and they will have memories they will treasure for a lifetime.

by pennyhal2 23 Dec 2017

I was so sad reading about what happened. You did your best, and your efforts did not go to waste! I'm sure the parents of the autistic child will always remember your kindness in helping their child.

by sonjapotgieter 23 Dec 2017

Beautiful!!!Well done

by basketkase 23 Dec 2017

This is totally delightful, Meg......

by Leaha edited 25 Dec 2017

What pretty projects these are. Bless you for making the little ones Christmas magic come alive. Autism is a special challenge and to ease this little ones mind is what you were guided to do. Every one needs a little magic in their lives. I know I do. Sorry to read about your son's stanch on this. Merry Christmas to you and yours. May good health be yours this coming year. :~) hugs

by noah 23 Dec 2017

Well done, Meganne..Hugs and great health for 2018 xxCarolyn

by michemb 23 Dec 2017

very cute, sad that your GK's couldn't ger them but it is important that someone enjoys them,
merry Christmas,

by dragonflyer 23 Dec 2017

Well done, Meganne....sorry to hear about your own GK's....but so nice that the visiting kids next door were there!

by kustomkuddle 23 Dec 2017

Oh how disappointing for you. I can feel how hurt you are but like you said, you have to honor his beliefs even though you do not agree. For the record, I agree with you. We managed to raise our children and now our great niece and nephew believing in Santa Claus all the while stressing that Christmas is about the birth of our Lord. I''m glad you were able to find a good home for your mat! It sounds like it brightened their day!

1 comment
meganne by meganne 23 Dec 2017

Yes it is tough as I know I raised my boys knowing the joy of both and it hurts to think my little grand children will never enjoy the stories of Saint Nicholas/Santa.
At least the kiddies (visiting) next door will have their fears, of Santa not finding them, put to rest. One little boy is Autistic and was really quite worried about it, so I guess it was a blessing meant to be. :-)
Huge hugs, M