by aussiequilter 12 Nov 2016

in the midst of packing to move to a smaller house in the country I have taken some time out to do some sewing ,I made Myles a Santa sack ,he wasn't old enough to know what was going on last year ,he is growing up so fast 15 months old and as cute as a button


by peafarm 14 Nov 2016

It just occurred to me that I need to make another Christmas stocking. Little great grandgirl born Nov 4th---I hang my grands and great grands up every Christmas with a little something in each. I love this fabric you've chosen and glad you got to take time to sew even while moving.

by sonpot 13 Nov 2016

Adorable and so pretty!!!Well done

by pennifold 13 Nov 2016

Great job Monika. Where are you moving to? I thought living down where you are now was almost 'country' he he he! Love Chris

1 comment
aussiequilter by aussiequilter 13 Nov 2016

moving to Forbes Chris

by sandralane 12 Nov 2016

A beautiful gift for Myles to treasure for many years to come. He will have a wonderful time seeing and unpacking what will go in here. Sandra.

by dragonflyer 12 Nov 2016

Wonderful...can't believe how time has flown...seems just like yesterday he was just born...

by devon 12 Nov 2016

Very pretty!!!

by jeanfoz 12 Nov 2016

Ah that is cute, Jean xx

by noah 12 Nov 2016

His Mom will love you for sewing this and one day he will to-great job hugs