by tlp22 ( edited 22 Aug 2016 ) 22 Jul 2016

Week 7 is now complete.Week 6 is up and ready. My little longhorn is ready. Update! Just finished week 4. Used some metallic in this one. Here is my week 3 from San Francisco Stitch Co's road trip. It must be a white peach.LOL! I just couldn't find the right thread colors.


by graceandham 23 Aug 2016

Great looking designs and stitchouts. You've inspired me.

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 24 Aug 2016

Have fun and THANKS!

by tlp22 22 Aug 2016

More metallics in this weeks stitch out. Just wish I had purple metallic. Maybe next time. Thanks again for looking.

by tlp22 edited 13 Aug 2016

Isn't he sweet. Just wouldn't want him as a indoor pet. LOL! Thanks again for looking.Got all of the weeks together too.

by brendalea 06 Aug 2016

Thank you for sharing the stitch outs. They look great.
Happy Stitching!!!!

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 06 Aug 2016

Thank you Brenda.

by noah 06 Aug 2016


1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 06 Aug 2016

Thank you Thank you

by tlp22 06 Aug 2016

It's another week gone by. Week 5 St. Louis.

by tlp22 31 Jul 2016

Here she is. New Orleans.

by airyfairy 31 Jul 2016

Right colours or not, it is beautiful

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 31 Jul 2016

Thank you. I really like it.

by sewgroupie 29 Jul 2016


1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 31 Jul 2016


by pldc 26 Jul 2016

you did a terrific job on this! ~hugs~

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 28 Jul 2016

Thank you.

by arlene 26 Jul 2016

Very pretty. The colors you chose are very pretty

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 28 Jul 2016

Thank you very much.

by joann1 24 Jul 2016

I think it is beautiful and love the colors you picked

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 24 Jul 2016

Thank you.

by parkermom 24 Jul 2016

There are white peaches--my parents owned a peach orchard many years ago, and there was one area in the orchard that had white Gerber peaches--and only women could pick them because men didn't have a light enough touch and would bruise them. They were very popular. The flesh was white, and looked almost like pears.

tlp22 by tlp22 24 Jul 2016

Yep! thanks!

pldc by pldc 26 Jul 2016


by pennyhal2 24 Jul 2016

I have to be very obsessive about a design before I go out and buy thread just for one desing. I love it that you used what you had and ended up with a fabulous result! Well done!

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 24 Jul 2016

Thank you! What is so strange is that I know I have way over 400 thread choices and still struggled with color choices. I may not be able to draw or paint but the artist in me still has that color issue. My sister has her masters in Art. Most of my family including my parents could draw or paint. We were all creative just in different areas. Thank goodness I have an embroidery machine. I can't draw a straight line with a ruler and always wanted to paint or draw.

by sonjapotgieter 24 Jul 2016

Well done...Beautiful

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 24 Jul 2016

Thank you!

by cfidl 24 Jul 2016

That is just the sun reflecting off the fruit. Stitching is great!

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 24 Jul 2016


by graceandham 24 Jul 2016

Looks peachy to me.

pennyhal2 by pennyhal2 24 Jul 2016

To me too!!

tlp22 by tlp22 24 Jul 2016

Thank you so much.

by noah 23 Jul 2016

I love it great sew out hugs

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 23 Jul 2016

Thanks so much.

by lbrow 23 Jul 2016

Looks good to me, love anything that brings Ga. to my mind since I'm a Ga. Girl. My youngest was born in Atlanta Ga./Lillian

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 23 Jul 2016

Thank you Lillian. I spent a couple summers there training employees.

by peafarm 23 Jul 2016

Nice to see the stitch out. Yes, they have the free download for the correct colors still up. Said the stem was wrong color. I do like yours though. It looks like it stitches out well. No puckers so fabulous.

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 23 Jul 2016

I haven't had problems with the stitch-outs. If I had been more awake I would have caught it probably. Thanks!

by sewdeb edited 23 Jul 2016

Love what you've done with your peach! It seems the color chart was wrong and the site is urging all people to download the correct one....

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 23 Jul 2016

Thanks! Yes I saw that.

by dragonflyer 23 Jul 2016

Very nice...any clue as to what the finished project will be?

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 23 Jul 2016

I think you can do what ever you like. She will give suggestions in the end. thanks!

by jrob Moderator 23 Jul 2016

Being a Georgia girl, I agree with Kay. Must be a Georgia Belle. Looks great.

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 23 Jul 2016

Awe!!!! Thanks jrob.

by crafter2243 Moderator 23 Jul 2016

Looks great.

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 23 Jul 2016

Thank you!

by baydreamer 23 Jul 2016

The colors look great!

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 23 Jul 2016

Thanks so much. But, the lights seem a bit too light and the darks too dark.

by pennifold 23 Jul 2016

It's beautiful, well done. Love Chris

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 23 Jul 2016

Thank you Chris. How are you doing?

by eleen 23 Jul 2016

Thank you for posting it. This is beautiful. I too have downloaded the designs so far. Have not stitch them yet. Can not wait to see what you are going to do with them.

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 23 Jul 2016

I am not sure myself. Thanks for your positive input.

by katydid 23 Jul 2016

Probably a" Georgia Belle". Inside is light colored and it is cling free. It is a much sought after peach. Kay

tlp22 by tlp22 23 Jul 2016


lbrow by lbrow 23 Jul 2016

Umm Ummm good!

by greytgirl 22 Jul 2016

Very nice! I have collected the designs but have yet to stitch them out.

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 23 Jul 2016

Thank you.