by mhiemstra 17 Oct 2015

Boxy bag

So the other night I made a baby wipe case for a gift. It got me thinking...if I square the corners with my sewing machine that would look just like a little boxy bag/cosmetic bag. So I did it.
I used the pieced wipe case from Five star fonts, but any zip bag with the zipper in the center will work. If you can quilt the back piece ahead of time it will give the bag more structure. If your comfy with ITH zip projects, this is sooo easy and really cute. Great way to modify an existing design for something new.


by brendalea 18 Oct 2015

Very nice box bag. Thank you for sharing Happy Stitching :~)

by sjbrower 18 Oct 2015

Very nice project. Also love the fabric that you chose.

by dragonflyer 18 Oct 2015

Nicely done!

by vickiannette 18 Oct 2015

this is really nice

by sbott54 18 Oct 2015

Creative. Gotta think about how you did this. Thanks for sharing.

by embquilt 18 Oct 2015

Looks fantastic

by justsew 18 Oct 2015

I love it ,i am wanting to make one. this looks a good design.
Hugs \pam

by sandralane 18 Oct 2015

Excellent practical bag, thanks for sharing. Sandra.

by pennifold 18 Oct 2015

Great bag and in one of my favourite colour sets Love Chris

by laffma1 18 Oct 2015

Excellent bag. Will be quite useful.

by tlp22 18 Oct 2015

Fantastic job! Looks really nice. Love your fabric.