by tlp22 07 Aug 2015

Here is week 9 from the road trip at San Francisco Stitch co. Thanks so much for looking.


by lbrow 09 Aug 2015

Ahhh!, the Golden Gate. How I would love to see Frisco again. This is beautiful/Lillian

by shuede 09 Aug 2015

Love your thread color choices! Hope to stitch these some day.

by loriziegler 07 Aug 2015

This stiched out beautifully!!

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 07 Aug 2015

Thanks She is a awesome digitizer and Artist.

by pennifold 07 Aug 2015

Wow, these just keep betterer and betterer he he he! Love Chris

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 07 Aug 2015

Thank youou !!!!! HAR HAR HAR Now we have to wait for a project label and finishing instructions if you want to follow her.

by decojo 07 Aug 2015

Beautiful design!

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 07 Aug 2015

Thanks Yes I love Carol's designs.

by lilylady 07 Aug 2015

All most there, have enjoyed the trip!

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 07 Aug 2015


by brendalea 07 Aug 2015

Thank you for sharing the stitch out. Happy Stitching

by sonjapotgieter 07 Aug 2015

Beautiful!!!!Awesome design...

by NancyBT10 07 Aug 2015

Another masterpiece! Thank you for stitching these out so that I can go on the road trip with you ;) I lived in this wonderful city for 5 years and went back a few years ago. Would do it again if I could! So exciting!

by pennyhal2 07 Aug 2015

I always look forward to your posts of this series. I find when I actually see something stitched out that I see the design's true beauty. You have fantastitc thread choices that stay true to the design. Well done!

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 07 Aug 2015

Thank You Pennyhal2. I try very hard to either get the same look or maybe a tonal version.

by highlandermom 07 Aug 2015

Looks great.

by Gerdie 07 Aug 2015

Beautiful! Where can I find the pattern???????????

NancyBT10 by NancyBT10 07 Aug 2015

SanFranciscoStitchCo. This is the final week (other than a project label) that is free. But, it is a beautiful design, isn't it!

tlp22 by tlp22 07 Aug 2015

Thanks Gerdie and NancyBT10. When you go to the site, click on the monopoly car and go to week 9. It is free till next week.

by de105 07 Aug 2015

Very Nice Well done

by pldc 07 Aug 2015

Theresa this is so pretty, well done! ~hugs~

by Dodi2012 07 Aug 2015

You are stitch it quick. Thak you for the picture.

by bielie 07 Aug 2015

It really looks lovely. Well done.

by peafarm 07 Aug 2015

I went this morning to download-well, about an hour ago and it wasn't showing yet. Will try it again when off of this site. Very striking and love it. I lived for 2years there when a kid and Dad in military.

NancyBT10 by NancyBT10 07 Aug 2015

I downloaded mine:) Can't use it because of the dimensions but that is ok. One day....I hope that you have been able to download week 9 and don't forget there will be a project label coming soon.

tlp22 by tlp22 07 Aug 2015

peafarm were you able to get your dl?

by sjbrower 07 Aug 2015

You are fast! Must be an early riser or insomniac!

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 07 Aug 2015

Insomnicac....thank you Too many years working mid-nights. It's ok as long as I sleep sometime.

by cj2sew 07 Aug 2015

How did you do that so fast? You must have flown instead of driving.
Those are some giant poppies aren't they? Really pretty

NancyBT10 by NancyBT10 07 Aug 2015

Hmm, I thought poppies made you go to sleep...worked in the Wizard of Oz, lol. I totally agree, she is one step ahead!

tlp22 by tlp22 07 Aug 2015

Thanks cj2sew. The road runner came and picked a few of us up....."beep beep"

by radmom 07 Aug 2015

Beautiful! You are so quick!

by crafter2243 Moderator 07 Aug 2015

It's beautiful. Sorry you can't sleep.

tlp22 by tlp22 07 Aug 2015

thank you

NancyBT10 by NancyBT10 edited 07 Aug 2015

At first I thought this comment was made in jest and posted a comment. Then, I read below where she really couldn't sleep. Well, one thing is for sure, she knows how to use her time wisely ;)

crafter2243 by crafter2243 07 Aug 2015

Isn't that the truth. I would toss and turn and get frustrated.

by jrob Moderator 07 Aug 2015

You are really QUICK!

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 edited 07 Aug 2015

Thanks! I didn't sleep last night. So came down early and stitched this out..Going to try again..zzzzzzz

by carolpountney 07 Aug 2015

You have been very good with the road trip . I have not even started mine. Well done cant wait to see the final result

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 07 Aug 2015

Thank you.