good idea, model type tre chic
Good job, ~hugs~
Nice work! The owls are very cute, but the zipper work is so well done! Cindy
Lovely. Great work
love the owls!
Awesome designs!!!!Well it...
Lovely work. Is this a UT owl design?
Yes it is a UT design
Cute and so serviceable for you/Lillian
The design really suits the shape.
Beautifully done! Love the owls and the colors you have chosen.
Love the owls
Very Cute!
cute for sure hugs
This is cute? What is a wollcomb? I googled it and could not find anything.
Sorry i mixed germma and english wool comb to prepare woolfibers for spinning
hand carders for woll 8-)
Beautiful work
This makes a really cute pouch. Nicely done.
Love cute!
This is lovely. Love the design.
Very nice job on this bag!