by Zinobia 13 May 2015

Somebody was asking about using built in stitches of embroidery machine. I used it to create border for doily.

Thanks for looking.


by lbrow 13 May 2015

Very very nice/Lillian

by sllakin 13 May 2015

Lovey doily! I too am able to use the built in stitches from my machines in my digitizing software which offers so much more fun!

by pennyhal2 13 May 2015

A nice variety of stitches. Did you use a stabilizer?

1 comment
Zinobia by Zinobia 14 May 2015

yes i did use stabilizer for edge.

by sonjapotgieter 13 May 2015


by blueeyedblonde 13 May 2015

Good job!
We all have built in stitches on our machines and a lot of us don't make as much use of them as we should or could.

by Zinobia 13 May 2015

Heartfelt thanks to all cuties for appreciating.

by spendlove Moderator 13 May 2015

Neatly done - it was me who asked the question BTW.

1 comment
Zinobia by Zinobia 13 May 2015

Thanks. That made me click pic and upload it.

by pldc 13 May 2015

excellent placement! well done!~hugs~

by noah 13 May 2015

Love it how did you get the edge very edge to circle like that???Love it hugs carolyn

Zinobia by Zinobia 13 May 2015

Good question. I had drawn a guiding line an inch inside the oval edge. Kept that line in the center of the pressure foot while stitching scallop stitch of my built in stitch.

noah by noah 13 May 2015

love your idea i must try it thank-you hugs

by 02kar Moderator 13 May 2015

I love using stitches like these. what a nice doily you have made with them

by laffma1 13 May 2015

Lovely - great use of decorative stitches.

by devon 13 May 2015

love what you did nice work!