I went into Liane's site yesterday to download the free design for August and when I went to download, up came a message saying the site was not safe. Has anyone else had this problem. Have to say this is not the first time it has happened. He
Yesterday I could not get into our site, today not trouble, guess those pesky gremlins were having a field day.
Hi, I have a little problem, last week I download a few nice free designs from the side of this site,( the advertising on the righthand side) and forgot who the digitiser was. One was butterfly with the Number 38976512 and a Christmas gnome red presents
Happy Easter everyone. From Sunny & Warm West Oz.
Have you noticed that getting the free design from Dime is really difficult. First you get a confirmation email, the design never arrives. You have to write to them to get it, it does arrive eventually, but it takes up to a week sometimes. .
Please can anyone tell me if Hatch Embroidery is HIA, if not what country are they from. I have googled and all I can find is Hatch Embroidery software. I downloaded the free doily and would like to know a lttle more about them.
I would love to belong to the Birthday group. Not sure how I go about it. I did try to put in a request in the inbox, but I am afraid I got nowhere. All I got was a box asking for three passwords, gave up in the end. Help
I love FSL and found a set of FSL doily's at Stitch Emporium, never having purchased from them before, wonder if anyone can tell me if their FSL stitch's out perfectly. I would not be happy to stitch out a design that takes over 2 hours only to fi
On Thursday the 22nd of December we were on our way to the doctors, then we were off to finish the shopping for Christmas. We were only two blocks from home and in a school zone where one has to do 40k I doubt I was even doing that, when out of the blue
Can anyone explain something to me please. Each week Dime are giving away a freebie have no trouble downloading but!!!!! there is another download called "Free Embroidery Tool Shed", what is it exactly?? I did go to download it but it was very large.
I am going to have a vent hoping I am in the right place to do so. It is sewing related. Recently I ordered a couple of sets from a site, ( I will not name the site because it would be very unfair of me as the site cannot reply) I have been collec
I wonder if any one knows if the "Field Flowers Font" has more than the letter A. It is so pretty I would love to have all the letters.
Hi everyone, thank your the kind wishes and suggestions, my cold is gone, just like the hay and allergy tablets which I chucked in the bin. I should have asked our son, why, well he is a doctor. I know a senior moment, he is the best son in the world bu
I have been a member for sometime, but I have no idea how to join the birthday group.
I have a cold, so off to the chemist I went for cold and flu tablets, what a kerfuffle. They asked so many in my opinion stupid questions. I walked out with a packet of Hay Fever tablets which I have chucked in the bin what a waste of time and money, and