Several years ago I saw an embroidery design of John Wayne. I have searched everywhere with no success. any body know where I can locate it?
Where is the beautiful bird of paradise? Its not under birds!
When you are experiencing problems with your machine, or you are new to embroidery, it is worth finding a Yahoo group for your type of machine, that will give you excellent support.
Also it is possible to reply to individuals comments or ask them questions?
By the way what does the + number mean alongside our answers.
Do the pictures of our projects in the gallery have to be using designs from this site alone?
How many members are there in this group?
How often do the free daily designs change? I don't seem to have seen a new one for week. Or am I having a senior moment or two?
Has anybody purchased a Hoop it all and used it on a Husqvarna SE or DEsigner 1. How do you rate these hoops and this different system of hooping? I am interested in a large 14 1/2 wide one.
Once a design is on the site will it ever be removed?
Not a question but rather a statement. I found the website a little confusing to begin with and think a Help page would be very beneficial to all but especially to new comers.
Has anybody bought the new Creative Vision Pfaff machine lauched earlier this month?Please submit your machine details for others benefit. This site provides a great page to share.