getEdited - SELECT
by sadp ( edited 24 Apr 2015 ) 17 Apr 2015

When is enough ENOUGH. Waiting for my Elna sewing machine now for 5 months. When I phone they promise to come back and thats it. You don't hear anything till you phone again.... sorry for ranting but gosh....I have work to do....when will I get done.....UPDATE: YAY, YAY, YAY, my machine will be coming home this afternoon. Elna finally obtained the part (new motherboard) and according to them the machine is ok. I only received a 10% cut in the quoted price - not much - but at least I will have my machine back. Phew this was a looooong wait. Thank you that I could 'air my feelings' publically. Somewhere something must of helped. Shirl


by Nicky602 24 Apr 2015

Lotsa Love

by asterixsew Moderator 24 Apr 2015

Good to hear that your machine is back with you. 10% is not very good at all. But by sharing with us ... anyway dear, happy embroidering

by sadp 24 Apr 2015

....and thank you for each Cutie that gave advice. I appreciate it, hugs S*

by lucy1234 20 Apr 2015

This is too long to wait!!. I hope you soon get results. I would be ranting and raving to them every day!!!!!. Good luck

by killiecrankie 20 Apr 2015

Do you have a consumer affairs ,fair trading or some type of government department that you can complain to?Maybe try some kind of TV show that likes to run stories that show up bad business practices.When these shows or departments get involved things often get done immediately.
Email the world head office of Elna.
Sounds like what happened to me when the washing machine under warranty needed a new computer ,it took so so long to get the part, you could of got a slow boat to Korea & returned with the computer yourself

by cfidl 18 Apr 2015

Wow! That is a long time, I hope all is well with your machine and it comes back to you soon! When something similar happened to me, I was so angry I ripped up my yard and had to plant 2 gardens! Now I have to take care of them which takes me away from my machine and it is acting up again! I think it is the thread this time. I hope it is the thread.

by toogie 18 Apr 2015

Bless your heart, Patience has to be your FIRST name. I feel for you and hope this is resolved to your satisfaction soon.

by marianb 18 Apr 2015

Wow you should be made a saint for having to wait this long. When you get in touch with their head office also mention you can't and won't give recommendations about their machines because of the lack of service you have received.. Hope you get some positive feedback soon. Marian

sadp by sadp 18 Apr 2015

Gonna do that, for sure. I honestly cannot recommend them. Was planning for a new dual emb/sewing machine eXpressive 860 going for R47 000 with full version digitizer, but definitely not doing so now. No more elna purchasing from Elna Oakdale/Bellville Cape Town for me in the future. Will do my purchasing elsewhere....

rescuer by rescuer 18 Apr 2015

Mention you have about 30,000 friends online watching and waiting to see what they do to fix the issues for you.
Also, you might want to look into free phone calls via Google or another online phone service. (I don't know what is available in your country.) Mine allows me to record calls on my computer if I want to do that.

by yvonnevanwerkhoven 18 Apr 2015

Speak to the boss of Elna SA....Dan de vos

1 comment
sadp by sadp 18 Apr 2015

Will do, thank you

by kazza 17 Apr 2015

Go direct to Elna and tell them what has been happening, I had to do this one time with Husqvarna and boy did that get some results! Give them all the info like dates and times for your calls and when it was put in for service and what is wrong with it (if you know) or it's symptoms.

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sadp by sadp 18 Apr 2015

That is what I did, am also keeping record of all calls. It seems to me they could not be bothered.

by pennifold 17 Apr 2015

I'd be ringing every day Shirley - after 2 weeks! I know things are a it slower in South Africa, but that is going a bit too far. Love Chris

1 comment
sadp by sadp 18 Apr 2015

Slower than molasses in SA. Very disappointed in their services. Placed an order for Avalon Plus more than 12 months ago. They also never completed that order and it was a large one...

by grandmamek 17 Apr 2015

I would be calling every day. It would drive them crazy. Five months of waiting is very poor service. I would try and find another source of repair people. I certainly would not give them any good recommendations to anyone. Hope you get your machine back soon .

1 comment
sadp by sadp 18 Apr 2015

You right, cannot give good recommendations...

by rescuer Moderator 17 Apr 2015

Call every day...the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

jrob by jrob 17 Apr 2015

I agree.

sadp by sadp 18 Apr 2015

In the end it costs so much to phone, you have to wait ages...

by 02kar Moderator 17 Apr 2015

I agree. It is time to contact the head office at once and tell them your horror story. I do hope you get a happy resolution to this and your machine or better yet, a replacement so you can resume your stitching.

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sadp by sadp 17 Apr 2015

Did contact HQ. They said someone would contact me...that was 2 weeks contact from them yet

by airyfairy 17 Apr 2015

This sort of really poor service is enough to drive any body mad. No wonder you are ranting

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sadp by sadp 17 Apr 2015

...and my embroidery machine and serger still must be serviced as well....

by dragonflyer 17 Apr 2015

Five months...more than enough..but who has the machine? Is it your dealer or Elna??? If it is the Elna directly...they are now owned by Janome...If Elna has it...Call Janome...

sadp by sadp 17 Apr 2015

...they say they have it....phoned them again and now they will fly the part in.....will see next week.......

asterixsew by asterixsew 17 Apr 2015

where is the part being flown from the moon?

sadp by sadp 18 Apr 2015

Apparently its the they think

by asterixsew Moderator 17 Apr 2015

Five months is one long time to wait and far too long in my mind so rant away. Are you keeping a list of the calls you have made? I would not take no for an answer and when told I would be phoned back would say I wish to speak to someone NOW. Does a dealer have it or where is it. Think I would consider contacting the Elna HQ for your country. Good Luck and keep us informed.

1 comment
sadp by sadp 17 Apr 2015

Have contacted Elna HQ in Cape Town. They promised someone would get back to me shortly....that was 2 weeks ago