by knitty46 05 Feb 2015

Im sorry Cuties for being a pain, But I am wanting a new machine with a 6x9 design area and at a cost of $1500.00 dollars. I am looking at the Bernina 880SE. Does this machine have a larger design area than a 5x7? I have to Brothers PE770 and PE750D. They both have under 50 hrs of sewing time on them. I don't think the Bernina dealer would take a trade in since it is not their signature machine. Any suggestions?

Thank you


by hagridsmom 07 Feb 2015

I would stick with Brother also - you have such a library of designs in that format and you know how they work. I know that I had a 6x10 with my ULT2003 which was a long time ago - that machine used floppies to read designs. A real work horse.

by happycat25 07 Feb 2015

Hi, Yes the 880 can do larger than 5x7. I have an 830. And I love it. Check with your Bernina Dealer about trade ins. My dealer takes any machine in on trade, they even offer free classes on the Bernina machines. I hope you go for the Bernina, you will LOVE it. Sherry

by cfidl 07 Feb 2015

I would think that you could get a 7 x 11.8 Duetta or Project Runway for that amount of money.

by pennyhal2 07 Feb 2015

Here's a link to the info. You can click on the "learn more" button under the hoops.

My Bernina's hoops are based on metric so the hoops can be not exactly 5x7. For example, by 4x4 hoop is actually 3.9x5.12, so if I want a 5x7 size I have to use my larger hoop.

by mrskiki 06 Feb 2015

Personally I would stick with Brother since you already have 2. That way all your feet are interchangeable and you don't have to buy all new accessories. Also, you know how to operate them and so the learning curve will be smaller. Check with some dealers to see if they have any trade ins. Good luck. Hugs. Nan W

by sandyqueen 06 Feb 2015



by jrob Moderator 05 Feb 2015

This link should tell you everything you want to know about it, but the largest hoop is 145x255 or 5.7inches x10. inches.

by sandyqueen 05 Feb 2015

Check out EBay for lower prices. My older 2 Berninas exceeded $1500.
just to warn you price wise. Great machines though.


getEdited - SELECT
by bevintex edited 05 Feb 2015

I have no Bernina experience but if you have a dealer nearby why not call or better yet stop in. Tell them what your interests are and explain your budget. Let them do the work