by wider57 21 Nov 2014

Remember putting wooden spoons through the door handles to keep the kiddies out? Well, here's the kitty I have to keep out. She discovered long ago how to open doors and hides in the cupboards all the time - just waiting to jump out at you when you open the door :-)


by marianb 22 Nov 2014

If there's a will there's a way, they love cupboards and all hiding places just waiting to pounce but you got'a love them...

by gerryb 22 Nov 2014

That is soooo funny!

by katydid 21 Nov 2014

Remember , she loves you!

by sdrise 21 Nov 2014

hehehe they are all so funny aren't they. They all have thier funny side and keep me in stitches all the time. Suzanne

by Leaha 21 Nov 2014

Just make sure your life insurance policy is up to date! So very cute, got quite a chuckle out of this.

by bemara 21 Nov 2014

Katzen habe halt ihre Neugier und eine andere Sichtweise von Ordnung . . :-)
Sei froh, ein Freund hat einen Kater der immer den Kühlschrank aufgemacht hat und alles rausgeworfen zu fressen; jetzt hat er ein Vorhängeschloß an der Kühlschranktür und der Spuk hat ein Ende.
Mein Kater macht die Kleiderschranktür auf und schläft darin, ich habe mir einen riesiegen Wäschesack genäht in dem ich meine Sachen hineinhänge, ansonsten ist alles voller Haare . . .
Aber auch wie bei dir, bringen uns unsere Mitbewohner immer wieder zum Lächeln :-))))

by pldc 21 Nov 2014

that is too funny! Thanks for sharing or should I say scaring lol I am a great one for scaring people lol so this would be great fun for me & I would be in cahoots with the cat LOL!

by sbott54 21 Nov 2014

My adorable kitty hates closed doors to anything, too. It's a major affront to her that I would take away her freedom to investigate. I never thought of blocking her entrance. Let the howling commence, or not. Lol

by 02kar Moderator 21 Nov 2014

She is beautiful. And your life is so much more interesting too. I bet she was very surprised when she couldn't open the doors,

by noah 21 Nov 2014

No cats allowed in my Kitchen and certainly not up on my cupboards:(:(
Mr. Peeko wouldn't like that ****

by pennifold 21 Nov 2014

They are smart little critters! Love it, love Chris

by susiesembroidery 21 Nov 2014

She is so cute!

by designgirl 21 Nov 2014

She just wants to check out if there are any goodies she would like. That is so cute. Thanks for sharing.