by hightechgrammy 20 Feb 2014

Twenty-six years ago today, God gave us the most beautiful gift we could ever receive: our son Ben. It's been quite a journey, as most of you know <3 as you have traveled right along with us. I want to share with you something I wrote when he was eleven years old. (It's long - sorry) It's about the Miracle God gave us when Ben was just ten months old. All of it is true, and we thank our Lord everyday for this incredible gift.

God's Miracle
by Ben's Mom
Written when he was eleven years old.

I know the Lord sometimes allows sudden, terrible losses to many families. However, for our family, our loss came slowly, as God measured out each new difficulty for our son, Benjamin, a little at a time. With each new obstacle I have learned to trust God more, and my faith in Him has grown stronger.

Twelve years ago my husband Willie and I learned we were finally going to have a baby. We were so elated! We had just had a miscarriage three months earlier, and I was also still in grief for my dear sister who had died of cancer just one year earlier. Now, we hoped, it was time for our grieving to be over and for something happy in our lives! For me, this would be my only child with Willie, who would be a mature Christian father. For my husband Willie, who had become a wonderful stepfather to my two older children, this would be his first baby.
It was our big chance to make different mistakes than we had made with our two teens, Jake and Lana. We would all have a child to love. We were thrilled and didn't care what kind of baby the Lord would give us. Whether this baby was an Emily or a Benjamin, it made no difference to us ... as long as "it" was healthy.
I was a teacher of third grade children at the time, and my students were excited for me and shared in the pregnancy as only children can. They asked all kinds of questions. As I read aloud to them each day, they gathered around me, placing their eager hands on my tummy, giggling with each hiccup the baby made! They seemed to love this special sharing time as much as I. Since I had taught many difficult children over the years, I remember praying more than anything for a baby with a good attitude.
Each day passed by so slowly as we all waited. Allana, then fourteen, helped design, paint, and decorate our nursery with lots of bright, happy clowns. We arranged and rearranged the room as we waited those long months. Even eighteen-year-old Jake took interest in the baby-to-come. We all dreamed of such a perfect little baby and how we would shower our baby with love. We had no idea how much all our lives would change and how difficult little Benjamin's life could possibly be, until he finally arrived.
The pregnancy itself was easy and uneventful. There was no reason for any elaborate tests, and we all wanted the baby's sex to be a surprise. Although I was thirty-eight, we felt we could easily accept a baby with Down syndrome, and refused amniocentesis. We didn't even have any reason we knew of for an ultrasound. My last day of teaching came and I went home, ready to wait the three remaining days till our baby's due date.

It's Time
Labor began the very next morning. We made the trip quickly to our little mountain hospital forty long miles away. Labor progressed quickly for me, but our baby was in distress. A fetal monitor showed the heartbeat slowing dangerously with each contraction. The too-short cord had to be cut before he could be born, and although he didn't turn blue, he still could not breathe on his own for the first few minutes. The placenta was half-sized, and the doctor could tell immediately there were genetic problems. The baby's ears were too low, and although he was full-term, he weighed only five pounds and five ounces. He was too "floppy."
After what seemed like an eternity we finally got to hold our newborn son. He was so cute. So tiny. Our little Benjamin was a considered a "full-term preemie," who could not nurse or even suck. We learned then he would have to be flown eighty miles from our little mountain hospital to The Children's Hospital in Denver. The Children's Lifesaver's Team was called and plans were made. Willie would be able to go with our new son, but I would have to stay behind.
Friends from our church came to the hospital as soon as we called. They prayed with us and took Allana home with them, leaving me alone till morning. I was the only patient in the little hospital that night.

Ben's First Flight
I couldn't believe all that was happening as I heard that little airplane fly over the quiet hospital. The reality of my husband and brand new baby being in that plane nearly overwhelmed me. I tried bravely to suppress my many memories of small aircraft crashes over the snow-covered mountains of Colorado. Desperately praying from my hospital bed for their safe arrival, I reached for my tummy as I had for so many months before to lovingly pat our baby. I have never felt so hollow. I couldn't even talk to my unborn baby anymore. But, I wouldn't let myself cry. This was not the delivery I had expected.
Finally, after only some fitful sleep, morning rose and some dear friends came and drove me the hundred miles down to Denver and to my family. It felt so wonderful to be reunited with my new baby and husband.

Children's Hospital Level 2 Nursery
At Children's Hospital we learned together how to feed a baby who could not suck. Breastfeeding was out of the question for the time, so I began pumping every three hours and feeding him my own milk out of preemie bottles. (This was not how I had imagined my first experience at nursing.)
At last, after five days in intensive care, and more intrusive tests than we could ever imagine being made on a baby; Benjamin was stabile enough to go home! We knew he was going to have problems, but we felt confident we could handle it. We just didn't have any idea how very difficult this would be.

Home at Last
We happily began the great task of keeping our adorable Ben alive by feeding him every two hours around the clock. Each feeding took about fifty minutes and would exhaust him. Yet Baby Ben did not sleep much at all. We all took turns. Willie became quite a pro and Jake learned to change him. Allana happily volunteered to help out when we were just too exhausted to stay awake any longer. About the only time he would sleep was when she put him in the Snuggly and ran the vacuum. This little gift from God was so good for our family. We loved him, prayed with him, rocked and sang, "Jesus Loves Me" to him. This tiny baby, who was considered to be "failure to thrive”, actually began to gain a little weight!
After three months, the Lord provided a wonderful, Christian baby sitter for our little boy. Reluctantly I returned to my third grade class as we had planned. But, somehow, I felt like I was leaving a newborn instead of a baby who was well settled into a routine, as we had hoped for earlier. He was not ready and I probably knew it down deep. I should have followed my intuition.

Just a few days after I returned, Benjamin nearly died while with the sitter! His eyes rolled back and he could not respond to anything she did. Willie and she rushed him to the doctor. I was called out of my class and raced to the meet them there.
Our local family doctor, the same who had delivered Ben, made a spinal tap and other tests and sent those with him back to Children's again. The specialists were amazed at all the lab work that came with Ben. They couldn't believe that a rural, family doctor would, and could, do such thorough testing. We already knew our Lord had blessed us with a skilled family doctor.
Many more tests were made at the hospital this time. We held our baby; trying to comfort him as his little body was intruded upon in ways we would have never dreamed. He was stuck with needles, glued, hooked up to EKGs, EEGs, given barium to swallow, x-rayed, sedated, and CT-scanned. The world of existing in a children's hospital, which had been so totally foreign to us before, was now becoming a regular part of our lives.
While we were most concerned that our little Benjamin would die, the specialists were looking for serious genetic defects. We found out about many more deformities including that his swallowing was wrong; his breathing was stressed; his vocal cords were collapsing, he had reflux, and his kidneys were malformed. Then, we finally found out from a CT scan that his major problem was he probably didn't have a corpus callosum, the major part of the brain that interconnects the two hemispheres. We were actually relieved. We thought that it would certainly be much easier to live with a child with special-needs than it would be to lose him. For this new diagnosis the Lord gave us a quick, calm acceptance. It would be the beginning of many.

With all this testing came some help. The specialists were able to send us home with some new suggestions for feeding Ben. We found that by adding something as simple as baby rice cereal to his formula, feedings took only thirty minutes! Life became a lot easier. Finally, we settled into a more reasonable routine. Benjamin actually began to make progress. Realizing the extra care he would need, we gave up on my returning to school for the rest of that school year.
With help from a very patient occupational therapist we learned how to position Benjamin to help him grow stronger to hold up his head. She helped us make a special seat to strap him into his high chair. I know it may sound funny, but it was nice to get to use something "typical" children used, even with a little adaptation.
We discovered the sweet personality God had given our little son. Benjamin learned to recognize his family and even learned to laugh! We delighted in each new skill he acquired and thanked God for allowing us to keep him. We were so much in love with this adorable little guy.
We knew Ben had problems, but we realized God was giving us the strength we needed. He answered our prayers for help by sending us some very special people. He provided caring doctors, skillful therapists, and wise, encouraging friends to listen and help us pray. When these dear friends asked how they could help, I sent them on missions to find us success stories. I needed, more than anything at that time, to hear of other children with disabilities who were progressing - actually living somewhat normal lives.
When friends gave us breaks away from Ben we knew he was truly in loving hands. It looked like for a while that our life with Ben might have some future. We knew that although Ben's progress was slow, he was developing and everyone who knew him rejoiced with us in each new skill. We began to have confidence that we could raise this child.

Fall came and it was time for me to return to school. We just could not get along without my financial contribution to our family. The family health insurance, which included Ben, was through my job. I was able to transfer to our own little mountain school just five minutes from home, to teach fourth grade! Willie was able to work out his schedule with mine so that we only needed a sitter two days per week!
Amazingly, the Lord provided a wonderful, Christian woman, a retired nurse, to take care of Ben when neither Willie nor I could be there with him. Martha actually came to our home and loved Ben as much as any grandmother. The Lord was providing for our needs even beyond what we could have ever dreamed!
Then, just when life seemed to be going so smoothly, the worst of all our fears struck. Our precious Benjamin began to change. Gradually, Ben started losing all the skills we had all worked so hard for him to learn. He could no longer hold his head up. He didn't make eye contact. Our Benjamin had lost his precious smile. His sweet personality was gone completely, and he just stared into space.

On October 21, while I was spoon-feeding him, Ben had a sudden jack-knife move where one side of his body drew up tightly for just about three seconds. His body relaxed and he cried a pitiful cry. Then he repeated this same cycle again. And again. This happened about five times in a row. I cannot begin to explain how shock spread throughout my body like electricity. I went numb. A mother knows when something is wrong and my body was in full alarm mode.

He had started having what we didn't realize at the time as a very devastating kind of Epilepsy. Again we found ourselves back at Children's Hospital for many more tests. The diagnosis was Infantile Spasms, a grave form of epilepsy, which showed a totally non-functioning brain wave pattern on the EEG. A Magnetic Resonance Image showed even more malformations in the back of his brain where vision is processed, and that his corpus callosum had indeed never formed at all. We had no idea what all this could indicate for his future. The doctor told us he might not ever walk or talk. We began to question: Would he also be blind? Would he ever recognize us as he had before? Would he ever smile again?
Willie and I sat in his hospital room and held our baby and cried together. We couldn't even find a way to pray. We were a hundred miles away from our friends and church - a thousand miles away from family. We called an elderly pastor friend in Denver to come. He helped us do what we couldn't alone. He prayed while we wept.

Ben's little body was still alive, but all of his personality, who he was, was gone. The outlook for his future was bleak. We wondered how we would be able to raise a child with such severe disabilities. How did parents do it? Would we have to leave our jobs; sell our home; move to the city? We had never been around any adults or children with disabilities before. Now the Lord had given us this child who needed so much. How could we do it? We were in shock. Our confidence was gone - we had nothing to give this child.
We asked the pastor to give us a verse from the Bible for strength. I wasn’t a very good listener and as he was reading, my thoughts ran away with me.
He read to us from Philippians 4: 4-6. "Rejoice in the Lord always, I will say it again: Rejoice." I remember my heart was pounding in my ears, as I couldn't understand how I could rejoice about losing my baby.
Then verse 4:6 said, "Do not be anxious about anything." Weeping quietly, I asked myself how I could not be anxious about my baby. Then his next words made me question why he had selected this passage. Surely he didn't really understand how it felt to lose a child in this way.
I wanted so much for him to offer some encouragement, and he seemed to have missed the whole idea of what kind of verse we needed. I couldn't believe that this pastor was expecting us to rejoice about losing our baby and not be anxious. "Well," I thought, "for now that was simply out of the question. I'll just forget that part now." You see, I was already busily worrying about the most traumatic event of my life, a grave prognosis for our precious tiny son. For then I was intent on not rejoicing and definitely being anxious about my little baby. Ben certainly deserved lots of worry, I reasoned.
But then the pastor got to the seventh verse. "And the Peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
This was finally something I could grasp even through my grief, shock, despair and resistance. This actually flickered in my mind as something I could use and something that made sense.
So... God would guard my heart and my mind. I did not have to understand. I didn't have to understand. So that was how God was going to keep me from worrying. The rejoicing part would just have to come later. I was not ready for that yet, and surely the Lord would understand. I had heard that our Lord is able give us the time we need to learn to trust Him.

Starting Over
The neurologist told us there were many medications to try. He made no promises, nor would he make a prognosis for Ben's uncertain future. Ben was started on one of the medications and we took him home, without a clue what the future might hold for our little boy. Even at this time we didn't know how debilitating these seizures could be.
Now, as I reflect on that visit to the hospital, I feel badly about how I reacted to a truly undeserving resident doctor who had observed all the tests, procedures, seizures and the way we had responded. She used a wheelchair herself, but when she graciously attempted to help me talk about the diagnosis and how we were feeling about it, I was actually quite rude to her. I just shut her off. Inside, I was really frustrated, even angry, at her attempts. I couldn't believe how insensitive she was, even though all she did was try to help. Under it all I think I knew it was safer to be mad at her than to anyone else - least of all, God.
Ben's seizures came in clusters of about ten in a row, one minute apart, and he had as many as five clusters each day. He cried out with each one. We suffered with him as we held him and prayed. We watched as he eventually regressed to a newborn developmental level.
Even with Ben so ill, I still had a class of children at school. It was so difficult to leave him each morning to go. As I stood outside at recess, I would look up toward our home and know that Ben was in good hands, either with his own Daddy or with Martha. I would watch the little first grade boys run and play, wrestling - like puppies. They were so adorable and so normal. I ached to know if Ben would ever run and play, and giggle with friends like they did. I frequently shared with my students about Ben. It was truly amazing how they tuned in to him whenever they saw him. Perhaps the Lord was using me to help them be better people or parents in the future.

God's Gift
Willie's mother, and Ben's elderly Grandma Grace was quite ill in Maryland, so we made special arrangements to fly with Ben to visit her. When we got there she was suffering much more than we realized, and it made the traveling with Ben worth the extra effort. Her legs were painfully swollen, and she was in misery, yet she was ecstatic to see and hold her little grandson. She prayed with us for him.
While we were visiting her, Benjamin's seizures began to decline. Then, one day he didn't have any! He still was not making eye contact, and certainly could not smile, but this was so encouraging!
The morning we were leaving, I sat on the floor, and treating and bandaging Grace's infected, swollen legs. I tried to hide how badly I felt for her. I was so moved by her unbelievable, positive attitude, even while she was in so much obvious pain, I just simply and silently prayed, "Dear Lord, if you would just take away her suffering, I will quit selfishly asking for my son." And, when I closed my eyes to pray I saw that brown colored painting of Jesus, with the clouds in the sky where you are looking up at Jesus on the cross, where the light is shining on His face.
I truly think that perhaps, for only a fraction of a second, I really believed I could actually give that up - to quit asking for our little Benjamin.

Home Again
Sadly, we left her and flew back home. When we finally arrived home eight hours later, we put Ben down on the carpet in his carseat. He looked up, right into our eyes and smiled! His eyes were crystal clear. It was as if he had just come right out of a coma! I grabbed the camera and snapped his next smile.
We were all so ecstatic and tears of joy were flowing from all of us. We called his Grandma Grace and told her the good news too. Our Ben was back! Our Lord had given him back to us! There was no doubt. There is no way to explain the joy we experienced at that time! Pure Joy, extreme Jubilation, maybe? The words to "Our God is an Awesome God" kept going through my mind for about a year!

The next day we received a phone call telling us that Grace had passed away. She was home with the Lord and not in pain any longer. Our Lord had taken her from us, but He had given our son back to us. Surely she, too, was rejoicing with us in Heaven. We believe this to this day. The Lord had answered our prayers, but only in His way.

The Lord gave us this most precious miracle.

Our Miracle
When we informed the neurologist of Ben's condition, he was skeptical that it would last. He asked to make another EEG in two months - only if Ben still appeared seizure-free.
After the test was made, the neurologist met with us and said, "If I had not known this child had ever had infantile spasms, there is no way I could tell from this EEG. He has a completely normal brain wave pattern!"
This was absolutely unheard of in the whole neurology department. Children who have Infantile Spasms do not get over them. We had real clinical proof of our miracle!

Living and Learning

Along with the many problems, come the gifts Ben has been given. The Lord gave Ben an amazing memory and a true gift of music! It is a real blessing to hear him sing over a thousand songs, especially, "Amazing Grace."

In many ways Ben is a very typical little boy. He is friendly and curious. He loves music, tapes and his tape player, other children, babies, Raffi, Sesame Street, and Arthur!

Ben sat up at fourteen months, crawled at seventeen months and began walking at age two-and-a-half years! He did it later than typical children, but he did it!

At eleven years old he speaks over a thousand words, and uses short sentences, some of which other people can really understand! He can see and loves to "read" catalogs. He memorizes kids books. He is beginning to enjoy real people food and can eat mashed potatoes with a spoon all by himself.

Ben is a part of a regular class, and has wonderful classmates who are all his friends! They truly accept him as the individual he is. He doesn't actually run yet, but he does ride horses and is beginning to ski - in special therapeutic programs. He held a rope and jumped, about one jump to everyone else's four, during Jump Rope for Heart. He was beaming!

Through the years we have had many positive experiences that without Ben's special needs, we would have missed altogether. We have grown to appreciate our community more and more. People take an interest in Ben, and have grown to love him too.

Our whole family goes to a special therapy camp (Adam's Camp) for two, weeklong sessions each summer that highlights our whole year! Ben has many very special friends he has met at camp! For us, getting to know other parents of children with special needs has been one of the best blessings of all. There is an almost instant bonding with these special people. We see so many other children who must struggle even more than Ben does, and we are always thankful for his progress. We will never take his miracle for granted.

The road hasn't been easy, of course. Ben has had many corrective surgeries. There have been setbacks. Sometimes it seems Ben takes two steps forward and one step backward in his progress. We find ourselves back at the hospital frequently, we've lost track how many times we have had him there for surgeries, tests, and procedures. Out of necessity we have become his medical interpreters and managers, always questioning and searching for additional ways to help him grow and progress. God has helped us find ways to get his therapy needs met in our rural environment. Therapy has become a daily part of our lives. We have educated ourselves on every aspect of his life.


As a mother of a special child, I have learned incredible life lessons during our eleven years with Ben. I wish I could say I have reached total acceptance of having a child who has so many needs and disabilities. Some days I handle it well, while others I have to struggle. Sometimes when I see other typical children his age I grieve for the childhood I wish he could have.

I have changed in many ways. I have learned to ask other people for help, and to not feel guilty when I get upset over unknowing people's hurtful comments. I also try to remember that just because what I am going through may seem heavier to me than someone else's burden, it doesn't make their own burdens any easier for them to carry. I hope I am not as quick to judge other people and how they raise their children as I used to be.

Most importantly, I have learned that God has never given me any more at one time than I could handle with His help. Our Lord has the time to wait for me to learn to trust Him.


Ben is now twenty-six years old. He has not had a seizure since that day and has been off all seizure medication since he was two years old.

It has been a Long and Winding Road for Ben and at this time He has an incredible memory and a song in his heart. He amazes us every day with all he knows and understands about life. He not only walks and talks, but he loves to sing and perform. He brings joy to everyone who knows him. He remembers people from when he was about four years old - and what he did with them!

We found out that most of Ben's abnormalities are all part of two rare genetic conditions called FG Syndrome and Koolin de-Vries Syndrome. We have learned Ben is missing just two genes on the long arm of chromosome 17 and we have a long list of anomalies. Every system of his body is effected.
The agenesis of the corpus callosum causes some unique learning problems. Although Ben is not autistic, many of his behaviors resemble that of a child who has true autism. Sometimes he "gets stuck" on a word or phrase for days, even weeks. Sometimes he is very fearful of change or noises. Anxiety is an enormous challenge.

There aren't many children in the world who are like Ben - but he's not the only one, and somehow that's comforting. There are other families who are going through the same challenges, fears, hopes and dreams who have given us incredible encouragement. These families will be lifelong friends who understand on the deepest level.

The reality is there is more right with Ben than wrong, and he leads a happy life.

Ben has never said an unkind word to anyone in his entire life.

We have learned more about love and what is important in life from knowing Ben than we have from any other person.

The Lord has not taken away all of Ben's challenges, but God's miracle has continued. Ben's life is such a testimony to the Lord. God truly blessed us when He gave us Ben.

The Lord has continued to send people to help us to pray, to listen, and to help with his therapy and care.

God sent us a wonderful family, caring doctors, therapists, teachers, friends, and a supportive community.

Our God has provided beautifully for Ben's every need, often before we even recognized he would have that need.

But most of all, God sent us a special person whose heart is full of His love. He really does have a wonderful attitude! I have learned that to love a child like
Ben is to really learn what love is all about.

What a Gift!
Happy Birthday, Ben!


by marjialexa Moderator 25 May 2014

Thanks for bringing this story back up again. Jan and Willie, you were the best parents Ben could have had on this earth! Re-reading this part let me share the joy again....thank you for letting us know your wonderful son! Hugs, Marji

by lrichardson 21 May 2014

Thanks for sharing. I needed to hear exactly that story. Peace.

by suziequee 21 May 2014

Makes my problems just fade away. They are so small. I don't know if I'd have the strength to cope. You are even more blessed cause you did. God Bless you all.

by tilde01 21 May 2014

Thank you for sharing your life and love with Ben. He was indeed a special person. My condolences to you, your family and all who knew and loved Ben.

by sdrise 21 May 2014

What a beautifully written story about Ben's life. Sending my sympathies to you and the family! Suzanne

by sgwilson 21 May 2014

Jan and Family - Such a wonderful tribute to Ben. Sending my condolences. Thank you for sharing Ben with us. May his memory enhance our lives. Sharon

by theduchess 20 May 2014

Jan, My condolences to you and your entire family.Sending prayers and hugs.Thanks for sharing this wonderful tribute.Stella

by sebsews 20 May 2014

Thank you for posting this beautiful tribute to Ben, you, and your family, and to your faith. I send my sincere condolences to you and your family.

by sewtired 20 May 2014

Thank your for sharing this heart wrenching, inspirational, brief history of your precious son. Ben was a miracle baby in so many ways. Many of us would have found the journey impossible, but because of your faith, you were truly blessed. May all the precious memories keep you company until you are reunited.

by susiesembroidery 20 May 2014

It is with sadness that I read this wonderful letter. May God grant you even more love and support. God bless you and your family and wonderful circle of friends.

by anangel 20 May 2014

Thanks, Jan, for allowing us to get to know Ben and share his journey, somewhat, with you and Willie. He is smiling down from heaven now, so full of love for you and his dad, for making the bumps in the road so much softer and comfortable for him.
You have my prayers and love, as you strive to find firm footing on a different path to peace and daily contentment. If Ben could speak to you right now, I am sure he would say, "Be happy, cause I love smiles!" RIP, Ben, your "smiles" will never be forgotten!!
Hugs, Angel

by dailylaundry 20 May 2014

Read this touching tribute ages ago and now to read it again - can't keep the tears away - bless you, Jan and your dear family. Sending many many prayers your way! Love and hugs, Laura*

by basketkase 20 May 2014

I am so glad this story has been brought to the top for a 2nd read....what an extraordinary young man and your family has been an inspiration to all that have challenges in their lives.......

by clintonmiss22 20 May 2014

Loved reading your story again! Leaves a lump in my throat. Ben was a special gift to you, but God knew the plans he had for both of you and gave Ben exceptional parents and family. I will pray that your grieving hearts will heal. God is good - all the time. All the time - God is good.

by airyfairy 20 May 2014

It was an absolute joy to read this again. Your Ben will certainly be remembered by all the Cute family. Love and hugs across the miles. Sarah

by dragonflyer 20 May 2014

Dear Jan, All here will remember Ben fondly and with a smile. My deepest condolences to you and your entire family....

by olly 20 May 2014

My deepest condolences to you and your family. Take comfort in knowing that Ben is now healthy and whole and in the arms of Jesus. You were certainly chosen by God to be Ben's parents as the love you have shown him and the patience you have displayed is truly humbling. My daughter works as a disability carer and believe me, not all parents are as wonderful as you are. Take care and be strong in the days to come. Your special family will be reunited in God's time. My prayers are with you. Coral

by ssampsel 20 May 2014

sending love & prayers for you & your family. thank you for sharing the faith & inspiration of your family.

by rachap 19 May 2014

i remember reading this when you wrote it and thinking how special your family must be. Deepest condolances to you all.

by anssmile 19 May 2014

Thank you for sharing your memories. I can only say you are in my prayers. May God help you through this very traumatic time.

by sewmom 19 May 2014

Jan, Ben will always be in the hearts of the Cuties.

by sewmom 03 Mar 2014

Thank you for sharing with us. You are a wonderful example for others in so many ways.

hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 05 Mar 2014

Thank you, Sewmom, for the sweet thoughts.

sewmom by sewmom 15 Mar 2014

Tomorrow my oldest will be 26 too.

by shirley124 01 Mar 2014

Many thanks for sharing your wonderful journey with Ben. May you have many more memories to keep. I had a older brother who had difficulties. Doctors told my parents he would never walk, and that he would not live past his teens. He walked when he was six. Won a lot of medals at Special Olympic Games. Like Ben he never had a said a bad word to anyone. As my sister said at his funeral (aged 69) He lived life as God intended. He was just an amazing man. He was in a coma when about 60 for a long time and we were told he would not come out of it. He did. Proved the doctors wrong again. One doctor said he had never seen anyone so sick and live. I really do beleive in miracles. Love and Blessings Shirley

1 comment
hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 05 Mar 2014

Thank you, Shirley, I know you truly understand.

by aussiequilter 27 Feb 2014

What an incredible journey your life with Ben has been ,many blessing to you all ,Happy Birthday to Ben

1 comment
hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 27 Feb 2014

Thank You! It has been quite a journey!

by haleymax 27 Feb 2014

Thank you for sharing this amazing story with us.

1 comment
hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 27 Feb 2014

Thank You for reading!

by camylow 27 Feb 2014

TRULY a more beautiful story ever told...A testimony of CHRISTS love and the dedication you show in continuing to follow JESUS through every heartache, suffering and hardship sent your way...In return you are blessed with the most perfect gift you can be given... I sat here reading this wit tears in my eyes because it shows lives being tested and still coming out within GOD's embrace...Thank you so much for sharing tis with s ad helping others to be able to keep going when their lives are imperfect and beyond their understanding...For showing others how to stand up and reach out to GOD...Trusting GOD and be willing to let him have control. To be able to give up our fears and lean on HIM is such an inspiration to all....THANK YOU...I know that you are being blessed and GOD's LOVE IS POURING OUT ALL AROUND YOU....deanna

1 comment
hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 27 Feb 2014

Thank you, Deanna, You understand.

by lenamae 27 Feb 2014

Thanks for posting your beautiful story you have the greatest testimony I have ever read . or heard .I had a brother that was 7years before he could walk and has never talked .He is 60 now. and is a very sweet man.Lenamae

1 comment
hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 27 Feb 2014

OH, God bless your brother, Lenamae, and you for loving him all these years. If only he could tell you, he would have so much to say.

by drro 26 Feb 2014

Dear Jan, this is an amazing story, one of God's wonders to behold! You all remain in my prayers!!!! Hugs and God Bless you and Willie and especially darling Ben! Give him a huge hug and 26th Birthday kiss for me:>)

1 comment
hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 27 Feb 2014

Thank you so very much, Ro

by pldc 24 Feb 2014

we learn to live one day at a time & be thankful for the blessings in each one. Each day is a gift & so much better when you can share it with us. Hugs Loralye

1 comment
hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 27 Feb 2014

Thanks for allowing me to share!

by sewfrenzie 24 Feb 2014

Happy Belated Ben!!
Your story moved me to tears, and memories of what it was like growing up with an older sister with disabilities. God gives us what we need in life to grow in to the people we become. God blessed you with a wonderful gift, and you are finding the joys he meant for you to have. My sister is now gone on to be with Jesus Christ 5 years ago at the age of 47. May Ben have a long joyful life, and may you continue to enjoy all he has to offer your family and all he touches.

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hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 27 Feb 2014

Thank you, Diane, I know you understand.

by jerrib 23 Feb 2014

Beautiful story about a beautiful young man. Happy Birthday Ben..

1 comment
hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 23 Feb 2014

Thanks, JerriB!

by shozo1271 23 Feb 2014

a Beautiful story about a Beautiful young man.... Flowers to you and all...

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hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 23 Feb 2014

Thank you and for the flowers too!

by majorisette84 23 Feb 2014

joyeux anniversaire Ben, que d'amour dans ce récit, cela semble si simple, et pourtant que d'angoisses, que de réconfort dans la prière je vous souhaite longue vie à tous et merci pour cette leçon de courage et d'abnégation milles baisers de provence en France mj

1 comment
hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 23 Feb 2014

Happy Birthday Ben, that of love in this tale, it seems so simple, and however as of anxiety, that of consolation in request I wish you long life all and thank you for this lesson of courage and abnegation milles kisses of Provence in France mj
Thank you so very much, MJ, I am glad you liked Ben's story! He did have a very happy birthday! Jan

by gerryb 22 Feb 2014

Happy belated birthday to Ben & his whole family!! May he be a blessing for many years to come!!

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hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 23 Feb 2014

He thinks it is still his birthday! I will give him another Happy Birthday from you!

by sewdoctor 22 Feb 2014

Happy Birthday Ben, You are such a blessed family.

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hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 23 Feb 2014

Thank You!

by debswebster 22 Feb 2014

Well by now this will be a belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU DEAR BEN :). What a very special family you all are. Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us, so lovingly documented. I am in AWE of the miracle that was bestowed upon Ben and yourselves, when the infantile spasms were cast from his little body and left him with that "sparkle" back in his eyes. And then, oh joy, to have actual proof that the condition could not even be detected - what a blessed healing - Oh Lord, a true miracle!!

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hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 23 Feb 2014

Our God IS an Awesome God!! Thank you for reading and understanding his miracle!

by mariahail 22 Feb 2014


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hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 23 Feb 2014

Thank you, Maria

by Leaha 22 Feb 2014

Love as pure and as unadulterated as God's can only be found in his 'human angels'. Love comes in all shapes and sizes, makes and models...none are perfect yet whose to say they aren't in God's eyes? Your words speak highly of such an angel and what a blessing he is to the world if they would only slow down, stop, listen and enjoy the childlike wonder that is uniquely theirs. You are indeed blessed as are we for your sharing this with the cutie world. Thank you for sharing.

hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 23 Feb 2014

Thank you, Leaha, for understanding the blessing his life is to us!

Leaha by Leaha 24 Feb 2014

Not a problem, I have a cousin who is a blessing in the same way for us and have had the privilege of sharing my childhood years with a classmate, lived next to a girl and had the honor of a friends daughter allowing me to be her friend. I'm the one on the receiving end of their love.

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by katmug edited 22 Feb 2014

What an AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL story of your's and upi family's lives with a truly BEAUTIFUL son! You sound like a fabulous family and you are all surrounded by great friends. How lucky and blessed are you all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brought a tear to my eyes but great warmth to my heart !
Flowers to all.

hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 23 Feb 2014

I am so happy you were able to be blessed by Ben's story! Thank you for telling me!

katmug by katmug 27 Feb 2014

Thank YOU for telling us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by manami 22 Feb 2014

Happy Birthday Ben, you are very special because you have the love of your family, and blessings from God! Love and blessings, Yoriko

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hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 23 Feb 2014

Yoriko, whenever I fear for the future, I just remember how Fairthful God has already been, and I know He will always provide for Ben! Thank You

by eggyannie 22 Feb 2014

God is Good. A very Happy Birthday to a very special young man
and a huge hug for both you and all your family for the support and love given over the years. WE may only be a size 14 UK across our backs and shoulders but in Gods image we are all giants and can take what ever burden he wants us to carry
Bless you and Blessed be.
annie in the uk

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hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 23 Feb 2014

Thank you, Annie. I know you have had such a rough year, and I'm glad you are able to see the miracles and blessings God provides. May God continue to bless you. Love and hugs, Jan

by toogie 21 Feb 2014

Happy Happy 26th Birhday,Ben, from Avery and me! and many,many more! We are on this journey together and still witness, for our all powerful, Father in heaven.May God continue to bless each one of you,Jan-Toogie

hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 21 Feb 2014

Thanks, Toogie and Avery! I just hope that all parents of children with special needs will know that there is hope and there is incredible joy in raising a child with special needs

toogie by toogie 24 Feb 2014


by almag 21 Feb 2014

Happy Birthday, Ben.

Big Hugs from Way DownUnder.

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hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 21 Feb 2014

Soooo Cute! Ben says, "A Koala is a nice animal for Ben!" Thank You!

by CymbleneJones 21 Feb 2014

Happy Birthday to Ben! What a wonderful story of love & faith. The cuties sharing their stories & faith in God is one of the things that kept me coming back to this site. You all are truly amazing.

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hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 21 Feb 2014

Thank you. Cuties have been really supportive, and are like a huge supportive family for us!

by anangel 21 Feb 2014

Happy Birthday, Ben!! My journey, yet different, has been filled with the same emotions you've written, Jan. Each of us, who has a special needs child, has been challenged personally in so many ways, has learned the joy of reaping even the smallest of miracles in our child's progress, but most of all has realized the journey we've traveled may not have been the destination we planned, but a trip of love, blessings, and strength designed by God!
Hugs to Ben, you, and Willie,

1 comment
hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 21 Feb 2014

Angel, you are one of the kindred spirits I have grown to love and who has helped me along our journey :-) You truly understand

by gerryvb 21 Feb 2014

happy Birthday Ben !! Hope you all have a very special day :)

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hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 21 Feb 2014

Thanks, Ben will like this dog's ears!

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by meganne edited 21 Feb 2014

Special children are only "gifted" to special parents.
Happy Birthday Ben from me and Kermit.
Jan, I will write you a PM.
hugs and much love, Meg

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hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 21 Feb 2014

Ben is going to LOVE this!!!

by spendlove Moderator 21 Feb 2014

Happy Birthday Ben - you are lucky to have such a wonderful Mum!

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hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 21 Feb 2014

Thank you, Sue!

by crazystitcher 21 Feb 2014

Wishing you a very Happy Birthday, Ben, and hoping that your next birthday is even more special than today.
Thank-you, Jan, for sharing this amazing story and your journey of Faith.
God bless.

1 comment
hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 21 Feb 2014

Thank you so much!

by bevgrift 21 Feb 2014

Happy Birthday Ben!
Thank you for your lovely story about Ben.
My son Robert who is 33yrs has also taught us joy for all the little things in life.
God bless you and Ben.
Hugs Bev

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hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 21 Feb 2014

Hi Bev, I'd love to hear about Robert sometime! It is the little things that make all the difference, isn't it!

by sadp 21 Feb 2014

Happy birthday Ben, you are a treasure. Blessings to Mum and Dad. PTL - hugs S*

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hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 21 Feb 2014

Thank You!

by juanitadenney 21 Feb 2014

Happy Birthday Ben and thank you for sharing your story of Ben. I too had a special needs child who was not as fortunate as Ben and only lived seven years. Reading this brought back many memories of our Michael.

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hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 21 Feb 2014

I am glad you understand the special joys that come from knowing an Angel on Earth, and hope your heart is comforted in remembering the joys Michael continues to bring to your heart. I'd love to hear about him.... Pm me if you'd like.

by justsew 21 Feb 2014

Happy Birthday Ben , a true miracle family all round, and an amazing story thank you for sharing with us .
Hugs Pam.

1 comment
hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 21 Feb 2014

Miracles do really still happen! Thanks, Pam

by dailylaundry 21 Feb 2014

Happy Birthday Ben! Thank you for sharing your beautiful story!! Hope Ben has a super day!! Hugs to your whole family, Laura*

1 comment
hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 21 Feb 2014

Thank you, Laura He had a great day and thinks today is his birthday too!

by pinon 21 Feb 2014

Happy birthday Ben! :) Hightechgrammy, your words have touched my heart and I wish you and your son Ben all the best. Blessings to you all.

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hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 21 Feb 2014

Thank you, I'm glad I didn't bore you too much. I tend to get too wordy!

by mranderson 20 Feb 2014

A very Happy Birthday to Ben all the way from Australia. You are such a remarkable young man. You have been very fortunate to have chosen such a loving Mum and Dad. Have a great day. hugs Marg

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hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 21 Feb 2014

Thanks, Marg! I can't believe all the friends we have in Australia! Someday we are going to come visit!

by rescuer Moderator 20 Feb 2014

Happy birthday Ben!
May all your lives continue to be blessed by God and may you always find love and peace.
Thank you Jan for sharing your son and his story with all of us. It is true that loving a special needs child can be the best teacher for true charity and real love.

hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 21 Feb 2014

and patience, and forgiveness, and creativity and a whole lot of other things - right? I hope I didn't make our life seem like peaches and cream all the time. Some days I really wonder if we will b able to complete the journey - without crawling to the finish line - LOL I know you understand, dear friend :-)

rescuer by rescuer 24 Feb 2014

Yes, I do understand. I hope you have more moments that are "peaces and cream" than those that leave you wondering if you will make it to the next disaster. Hugs!

by airyfairy 20 Feb 2014

Read your story through copious tears. Wishing Ben the most wonderful birthday. What a treasure he is. Hugs for Ben Sarah.

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hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 21 Feb 2014

Sarah, I know you love his name, Ben, for sure! Isn't it beautiful sharing our stories, our lives, our famiies with each other? Thanks for all the prayers!

by read180 20 Feb 2014

Happy Birthday Ben! Your story is so amazing, I was crying the whole time while I was reading Ben's story. I though I had it bad with my youngest child for all the surgeries he had to go through, but Ben's story makes me realize that our son problems were far less than what Ben has gone through. My son now is married and expecting his first child. Praise the Lord for all the Ben's in this world
Love to you and your family. Cindy B

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hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 21 Feb 2014

Cindy, thanks for your kind thoughts. I know what you mean, there is always someone who has it worse. It took me a few years to realize that that doesn't make it any easier for those whose burdens are any less challenging. God gives us each what He does, and then he provides the supports we need, IF we ask. And if we don't ask. It's up to us to find the sunshine along with the rain, isn't it? I just hope that all parents of new babies with special needs will know that there is hope. I wish everyone could understand there is incredible joy in raising a child with special needs. Hugs, Jan

by katydid 20 Feb 2014

Happy Birthday to Ben. Wonderful story. Kay

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hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 21 Feb 2014

Thank you, Kay!

by cfidl 20 Feb 2014

Ben is the perfect expression of God's love, and a testament to the innate wonders of the human body and mind. God bless you all and Happy Birthday to Ben!

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hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 21 Feb 2014

One of these days you are going to actually meet him, Christine! I know you will appreciate him!

by oldtimer992005 20 Feb 2014

Jan, your story is so touching.Happy birthday to your wonderful son Ben. may God Bless and watch over Ben. your husband and you.

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hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 21 Feb 2014

Thank you so very much!

by noah 20 Feb 2014

Happy Birthday Ben .God has given you a very special Mom And Dad to look after you with Gods help.Your story made me laugh then cry ,God is still on his throne today and will be till that great and wonderful day when we all will be changed in the twinkle of thee eye ,to be like him.God Bless you on the rest of your journey Hugs In Jesus Carolyn xoxo

hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 21 Feb 2014

Carolyn, won't it be just so joyous when all the special kids can run and play and shout with joy?!!! I know so many who cannot talk and wonder what all they will say! Ben tells me he has Jesus in his heart. Whenever he hears someone is sick, he wants to stop, right then and there and pray for them. His faith is just so simple and so amazing!

toogie by toogie 21 Feb 2014

Yes,I for one will be overjoyed, among mixtures of other emotions.

noah by noah 21 Feb 2014

yes that will be grand God is Good hugs

by basketkase 20 Feb 2014

Jan, your family is a true testament of courage, dedication, and how awesome the power of love is!! Happy birthday to a remarkable young man and may God continue to bless you & your family!! Big hug out to you, Jan.........

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hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 21 Feb 2014

I think I just felt that hug! I hope I didn't make our journey sound like all peaches and cream. There are days when it is soo rough, and I wonder if we can continue on this journey. But, we have so much support from wonderful people like you and so many Cuties, and other special families, we somehow find renewal and keep on going!

by dennis999 20 Feb 2014

Wishing you a very happy birthday, Ben...............and many happy returns of the day. Keep looking after your Mum and Dad.

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hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 21 Feb 2014

Thank you, Dennis!

by grandmamek 20 Feb 2014

Happy Birthday to Ben. You, your husband and Ben have met many challenges through the years. Ben has turned out to be a wonderful young man. God knew what he was doing when he chose you two for his parents, You have done a marvelous job of raising him. Hugs, Mary

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hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 21 Feb 2014

Thank you, Mary!

by dragonflyer 20 Feb 2014

Happy Birthday, Ben...may you have many more surrounded by the love of all the lives you have touches thus far...

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hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 21 Feb 2014

Thank you so much! He had a wonderful birthday!

by asterixsew Moderator 20 Feb 2014

Jan thanks so much for this and Happy Birthday to Ben

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hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 21 Feb 2014

You are welcome, and thank you for reading. Good thing I only wrote about his first year of life!

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by sewilso edited 20 Feb 2014

Happy Birthday to Ben! I love your faith in God, your story gave me goosebumps, God bless you all!!! I pray for continued progress and always stay strong the way you are. Many blessings. I also want to say he's one handsome lad!!!
Hugs, Sharon

1 comment
hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 21 Feb 2014

Thank you, Sharon, for the continued prayers. We really need them every day. As he gets older, the challenges change, and some of the behaviors of a small child are much cuter when they are little, than when they are grown - LOL. LIke melting down in the check out lane at Walmart!

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by jofrog2000 edited 20 Feb 2014

Happy Birthday to Ben who certainly got the right parents.
What a love story you have shared with us.

1 comment
hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 21 Feb 2014

Thank you so much!

by 02kar Moderator 20 Feb 2014

Happy birthday Ben. You are a very special and amazing young man. And you are an amazing mom and your husband an amazing dad. Your letter is truly a testimony of the love you had and continue to have for a very sick baby who has grown into a wonderful man and for God who has been a part of Ben's life from his first moment. I am a retired Special Ed teacher. I love life stories that tell about the wonder reasons we have challenged folks among us. And they all have taught us wonderful lessons. I hope you all have many more years of loving and growing. And I hope you continue to tell us Ben's story.

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hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 21 Feb 2014

There surely must be a special place in Heaven for Special Ed teachers! Thank you for being one of the great ones who recognizes the value and special gifts these children bring to all around them!

by Patricia109 20 Feb 2014

Happy Birthday to Ben. God sure put him with the right parents.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and with all your mind.

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hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 21 Feb 2014

One of my most favorite verses!

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by dec716 edited 20 Feb 2014

thank you so much for sharing your struggles and triumphs with your very special Ben. I am grateful for your trust in Lord.

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hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 21 Feb 2014

It's all about Trust, isn't it!

by jrob Moderator 20 Feb 2014

Jan, I have loved looking into your precious heart these many years. I loved, loved, loved reading about your journey. I know you have been an encouragement for me and so many others you have come across and I'm grateful that you offered us the privilege of sharing your story. Ben is a blessing to so many, and is greatly loved.....what a Life Testimony that is. Please give him a big old grandmother hug from me and tell him I sure hope to get to meet him someday.

hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 21 Feb 2014

Jerrilyn, that is so sweet: I was a little hesitant to share the whole story, but then I knew it needed to be shared. This miracle is so much of who I am, because of the gift God gave us. When I read your message, I did give him a hug from you, and told him it was from a grandmother who likes to sew like mommy. He had a huge grin on his face :-) It was one of those "Joy of the Lord" moments!

jrob by jrob 22 Feb 2014

You made my heart grow 2 sizes!

by michemb 20 Feb 2014

your special son is where he is today because of his very special parents,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEN and be sure to celebrate all the good that has blessed your lives,

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hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 21 Feb 2014

Thank you, Michelle. Some days I do feel very special to have been chosen. Other days, it's more like "why me?" LOL!

by marjialexa Moderator 20 Feb 2014

Thank you for sharing Ben's story, your whole family's story, and your journey of faith. I am amazed, and the tears are just running down my face. You and Ben are all gifts to each other, and your not only acceptance but joy in Ben's life accomplishments and your own, and walking with your hand in God's hand through it all--I am speechless. There could not be a better match in the world for all of you, may God bless your lives mightily, because your lives are a testimony of faith. Thank you, hugs, Marji

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hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 21 Feb 2014

Thank YOU, Marji Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could appreciate all our children, for the special gifts they are, without them having to have special needs, for us to recognize that in them? Hugs back to you!

by graceandham 20 Feb 2014

What a blessing for a son like this to be given to parents like you two. What a blessing for your family to be given a son like Ben. God's overabundant provision and protection and love is amazing.

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hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 21 Feb 2014

It is! As we get older, we have to keep remembering that God will continue to take care of Ben, even after we are gone.

by pennifold 20 Feb 2014

Dear Jan, what a wonderful testament to an adorable child of God. I loved reading your story with all its ups and downs throughout his life. You and Willie are just an amazing couple and you are right Love is an amazing gift and what you two and your other children have been able to do is fabulous. You can see from Ben's always smiling face that he adores you. God is good and all we have to do is put our trust and faith in Him and He will look after our every need. God bless you all, love from your friend Chris

hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 21 Feb 2014

Chris, you are always so supportive of Ben, and so understanding when I get discouraged. Thank you. You do know that not every day is all smiles, though. It's just that when we stop and look back, and compare today with how we felt at the beginning, we can see that we have made it a long way on this journey. We can see how all the good outweighs the struggles, and the joy we find in Ben greatly outweighs all that is still not what we had hoped for in the beginning. Thanks for all your encouragement and the prayers most of all!

pennifold by pennifold 21 Feb 2014

Well you know we have a connection with both our sons being called Ben. I am sure you know that the name means right-hand son - or blessed. Well, you certainly have a blessed son in your Ben. May he continue to bring you lots of happiness, joy, love and laughter, along with the tears and frustrations. Love Chris

by suelyn7 20 Feb 2014

Your words have really touched my heart and I wish you and your son Ben all the best the world and The Lord can possibly give you. Long may your family be happy and well, bless you all xxxx

hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 21 Feb 2014

Thank you, Suelyn!

tuross by tuross 21 Feb 2014

Ben I hope you have the best birthday ever and each one just gets better and better. Jan thank you for being such a wonderful witness for the Lord, I took great pleasure in reading your story.

seamssewcreative by seamssewcreative 23 Feb 2014

Thank you, Ben's Mom, for sharing your journey with Ben. And to Ben, may the LORD bless you as I see you are blessing others. My verse for you all is -- Delight yourselves in the LORD and He WILL GIVE you the desires of your heart. Each member in your family is very special as you interact with each other. Thanks again!!